Many people desire the ability to work at home. They imagine themselves rolling out of bed, commuting 20 feet without any traffic, except for the occasional pet sleeping in the hallway and starting work in their home office as they sip on their favorite latte. Without the daily office politics, commute, and water cooler gossip they feel they’ll be more focused and, ultimately, more efficient. However, with this freedom come some unforeseen drawbacks that can affect your stress level. You may find it difficult to keep yourself organized and motivated without the pressures of a boss or management team.
When you work from home and not required to clock in and out at a specific time, you are responsible for your own time management. To keep yourself and your home office organized so you are more productive and have less stress, try the following tips:
1. Keep a separate and specific work area in your home. This can be as simple as setting up a large desk and a small filing cabinet in a quiet room. Make sure you have plenty of lighting. Keep it clean and organized so you can find the materials and supplies you need to do your work.
2. Learn how you are more productive. Identify what type of work environment helps you work at your best. Are you more productive when you’re working at your desk or sitting on the couch? Your home office is your domain. Add personal items and things that help give you a positive attitude to help make you more productive.
3. Schedule specific task. Plan your work schedule by identifying your most productive time and when you have the most energy. If you a morning person and think more clearly in the mornings then do your most difficult and important task during this time. If you have children you may want to begin work after you get them off to school, before they wake up or even during their nap.
4. Set your business hours and adhere to the schedule. Just because you work at home doesn’t mean you can take a break whenever you want because there’s no boss to tell you to get back to work. You must be managing your time by setting your business hours and following them, after all you are your own boss. Also, many people or clients may assume since you work from home you are available 24/7. Avoid interruptions by setting specific office hours when other people can contact you regarding business. Communicate this - put your business hours on your business cards, website, e-mails and voice-mail recording.
5. Plan, negotiate and prioritize. No matter how hard you try, your business and personal lives will collide. Don’t stress out when personal interruptions affect your business life. Learn to detach from your work mode, to focus and address the interruption and resolve it so that you can move forward. Then switch back to work mode and get back to your regular work schedule. Eventually, you will learn to weave in and out between business mode and personal mode throughout the day so their can be a productive balance between work and life when you work at home.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Save yourself a headache by avoiding conflict with your partner
Of course, there will always be conflicts in the work for both men and women. You both need to be on the same page when it comes to business. Problems can arise but these can be solved with time.
This is also the case for forming a partnership with your family. You are definitely treading on thin ice when you do this because personal and business do not quite mix together.
How is this manageable?
Communication is key! Whatever problem or issue arises, talk about it and try to come up with a solution.
Here are a few tips to help you on your way:
1. If you are just starting out, ensure that you have an additional source of income such as a part time job to cover your basic living expenses until your online business takes off.
2. Be honest and tell your partner about your desire to succeed, your ambitions and your reasons for running your own business. It's great to get on the same level from the start so there is no confusion down the road.
3. Explain and help your partner understand that running a business online or offline takes time and effort to flourish.
4.Also, show the pros and cons of working from home (motivation, costs, convenience, etc).
5. Keep your partner well informed of your business progress, your ups and downs, your tears and joys. Share with them your business stories.
6. Ask them for help and guidance. It's always nice to include them on your ideas so you can make them apart of your life.
7. Balance your time! Share coffee with them, eat breakfast, lunch or dinner so you can ensure that the business is not your focal point!
8. Show them love and affection
9. Set a specific amount of hours for business and time for your family. This will help you keep organized.
Lastly, don't get so immersed that you lose your family because of your business.
This is also the case for forming a partnership with your family. You are definitely treading on thin ice when you do this because personal and business do not quite mix together.
How is this manageable?
Communication is key! Whatever problem or issue arises, talk about it and try to come up with a solution.
Here are a few tips to help you on your way:
1. If you are just starting out, ensure that you have an additional source of income such as a part time job to cover your basic living expenses until your online business takes off.
2. Be honest and tell your partner about your desire to succeed, your ambitions and your reasons for running your own business. It's great to get on the same level from the start so there is no confusion down the road.
3. Explain and help your partner understand that running a business online or offline takes time and effort to flourish.
4.Also, show the pros and cons of working from home (motivation, costs, convenience, etc).
5. Keep your partner well informed of your business progress, your ups and downs, your tears and joys. Share with them your business stories.
6. Ask them for help and guidance. It's always nice to include them on your ideas so you can make them apart of your life.
7. Balance your time! Share coffee with them, eat breakfast, lunch or dinner so you can ensure that the business is not your focal point!
8. Show them love and affection
9. Set a specific amount of hours for business and time for your family. This will help you keep organized.
Lastly, don't get so immersed that you lose your family because of your business.
How to Achieve Success Now
There is a vast amount of talking in the present day about "Freewill" and "Fate.” It seems that the majority of society believes that their surroundings and circumstances - their state of affairs - are caused by the subtle, mysterious workings of an omnipotent power, over which they are powerless.
The name of this power, they call "Fate." And while they vastly disagree on exactly what it is, what it does, and what makes it operate, they do, nevertheless, agree, excluding the acts of God, that it somehow controls their actions, movements, and circumstances; predestinating them to a prescribed state of affairs - each to his or her own varying degrees of wealth or poverty; health or sickness; happiness or sadness, and a score of other things in between.
While there is, admittedly, some circumstantial evidence that is habitually construed to support their belief in “Fate,” there is no actual concrete proof that could justify a dogmatic view in favor of it. However, the same cannot be said of “Freewill.” There is just too much available tangible evidence to ignore its validity. And because of this fact, the minority - those individuals within it who actually believe in "Freewill" - the belief that we are independent agents responsible largely for our own state of affairs, feel strongly that claim to a belief in “Fate” is a pretentiously evadable tactic used by those within the majority to deny responsibility for their state of affairs - their particular levels of poverty or wealth, happiness or sadness, etc., and to justify their failure to take corrective action to better their state of affairs.
So numerous are the examples that could be given, if space permitted, that support the validity of “Freewill,” and which examples would work, perhaps as well, I have nevertheless chosen Henry Ford because his story is most remarkable in that it embodies, as nearly as possible, the actual essence of “Freewill.” Henry Ford made a monumental decision at the young age of 16 that he wanted to become an apprentice mechanic. Now that does not sound like a monumental decision, but it definitely was in the case of Henry Ford. Unknown, perhaps, even to Henry Ford, his decision was destined to strip “Fate” of its theoretical power and become a perpetual herald to the eminence of “Freewill” - to the fact that an individual, not “Fate,” is responsible for his or her own state of affairs.
Consider carefully the importance that one farm boy’s decision would have on this nation and the world. Because of this decision, Henry Ford would become the founder of Ford Motor Company; and although Eli Whitney was the first to introduce the assembly line method of production, Henry Ford, because of his monumental decision, was to become one of the first to apply the assembly line method of production to the mass production of affordable automobiles and is credited with contributing to the creation of the middle class in American society. Henry Ford’s achievement was labeled “Fordism” because it helped to revolutionize industrial production not only in the United States but also in other countries. Henry Ford did many other things, but this suffices to point out that his decision at age 16 to become an apprentice mechanic was a monumental decision, and it gives validity to “Freewill.”
While most of the world knows of Henry Fords achievements, they do not know of the problem that Henry Ford faced at age 16 when he made his “monumental” decision to become an apprentice mechanic. Here was the problem that confronted Henry’s decision; and regrettably, it is still a problem that challenges many of us today - Had Henry earnestly believed in "Fate," as the majority does, he would have given up on his goal, resigned himself to the life of a farmer, accepting his “Fate” - a farm boy.
While most of Henry's family and acquaintances saw Henry as a farmer, Henry was busy seeing himself as what he wanted to become and having the courage to take the necessary action to achieve it. This wasn’t always easy for Henry because his decision was not immediately accepted as popular by his family, especially by his father who, at first, was very obstinate about what he wanted Henry to become - a farmer; However, through the demonstrated determination to achieve what he wanted, young Henry's father, as did other family members, gradually came to accept and even to appreciate Henry's decision about what he wanted to become; and they saw living proof through Henry's own example, that each individual is a “Freewill” agent responsible for his or her own state of affairs - that an individuals state of affairs is determined most largely, not by “Fate,” but by specific actions that an individual chooses through “Freewill” to exercise.
Maybe you are still undecided about what goal you want to achieve, and/or you are still uncertain about which is right, "Fate" or "Freewill”? If so, then you are not alone. People will continue, at times, to have questions about which goals they should pursue and will continue to debate and disagree on the preeminence of “Fate” and “Freewill,” as they always have. It may prove of benefit in helping you arrive at your own decisions about “Fate” and “Freewill,” to weigh the known facts. Namely, that while there is, admittedly, some circumstantial evidence that support a belief in “Fate;” however, there is no actual concrete proof that could justify a dogmatic view in favor of it - the same, however, cannot be said of “"Freewill". There is such a vast amount of tangible evidence in support of its validity, and the fact that you can change your state of affairs by taking appropriate action; that we cannot ignore the validity of “Freewill;” neither can we ignore its claim to preeminence - consider the example of Henry Ford. Add to this, the fact that there are dozens of others, like Henry Ford, whose names I have not mentioned; whose stories I have not yet told.
Maybe you have an inward desire to be or to achieve some cherished goal, as did young Henry Ford who more than anything else wanted to be a mechanic apprentice. It may be a simple goal that everyone expects of you, or maybe your goal deviates a little bit, or quite a distance, from what is, or what you perceive is expected of you; and because of this, you are not exactly sure on how to proceed. In either case, do what young Henry did - listen to your inward yearning to be and to achieve what you want in life; not what someone else wants or expects of you - but what you want. And when you are firmly convinced about what goal you want to achieve, go after it like young Henry did; and like Henry Ford, do not alienate yourself from friends and family. Instead, let your determination win their approval and support.
By recognizing and acting on his right to be a "Freewill" agent, young Henry Ford, with his newly acquired skills, was better suited to repair the farm equipment and still, at the same time, disciplined enough to exercise his obligation to help around the family's farm on his return visits and stays at home. The decision of one 16-year-old farm boy has benefited not only Henry Ford and his immediate family; but it has, and perpetually does, continue to benefit America, the world, and you and me.
Can you imagine the magnitude of the potential loss that we would have endured were it not for the fact that Henry Ford chose to exercise his right as a “Freewill” agent? When you do likewise, what success story will you one day have to share?
Good luck in your journey for success.
The name of this power, they call "Fate." And while they vastly disagree on exactly what it is, what it does, and what makes it operate, they do, nevertheless, agree, excluding the acts of God, that it somehow controls their actions, movements, and circumstances; predestinating them to a prescribed state of affairs - each to his or her own varying degrees of wealth or poverty; health or sickness; happiness or sadness, and a score of other things in between.
While there is, admittedly, some circumstantial evidence that is habitually construed to support their belief in “Fate,” there is no actual concrete proof that could justify a dogmatic view in favor of it. However, the same cannot be said of “Freewill.” There is just too much available tangible evidence to ignore its validity. And because of this fact, the minority - those individuals within it who actually believe in "Freewill" - the belief that we are independent agents responsible largely for our own state of affairs, feel strongly that claim to a belief in “Fate” is a pretentiously evadable tactic used by those within the majority to deny responsibility for their state of affairs - their particular levels of poverty or wealth, happiness or sadness, etc., and to justify their failure to take corrective action to better their state of affairs.
So numerous are the examples that could be given, if space permitted, that support the validity of “Freewill,” and which examples would work, perhaps as well, I have nevertheless chosen Henry Ford because his story is most remarkable in that it embodies, as nearly as possible, the actual essence of “Freewill.” Henry Ford made a monumental decision at the young age of 16 that he wanted to become an apprentice mechanic. Now that does not sound like a monumental decision, but it definitely was in the case of Henry Ford. Unknown, perhaps, even to Henry Ford, his decision was destined to strip “Fate” of its theoretical power and become a perpetual herald to the eminence of “Freewill” - to the fact that an individual, not “Fate,” is responsible for his or her own state of affairs.
Consider carefully the importance that one farm boy’s decision would have on this nation and the world. Because of this decision, Henry Ford would become the founder of Ford Motor Company; and although Eli Whitney was the first to introduce the assembly line method of production, Henry Ford, because of his monumental decision, was to become one of the first to apply the assembly line method of production to the mass production of affordable automobiles and is credited with contributing to the creation of the middle class in American society. Henry Ford’s achievement was labeled “Fordism” because it helped to revolutionize industrial production not only in the United States but also in other countries. Henry Ford did many other things, but this suffices to point out that his decision at age 16 to become an apprentice mechanic was a monumental decision, and it gives validity to “Freewill.”
While most of the world knows of Henry Fords achievements, they do not know of the problem that Henry Ford faced at age 16 when he made his “monumental” decision to become an apprentice mechanic. Here was the problem that confronted Henry’s decision; and regrettably, it is still a problem that challenges many of us today - Had Henry earnestly believed in "Fate," as the majority does, he would have given up on his goal, resigned himself to the life of a farmer, accepting his “Fate” - a farm boy.
While most of Henry's family and acquaintances saw Henry as a farmer, Henry was busy seeing himself as what he wanted to become and having the courage to take the necessary action to achieve it. This wasn’t always easy for Henry because his decision was not immediately accepted as popular by his family, especially by his father who, at first, was very obstinate about what he wanted Henry to become - a farmer; However, through the demonstrated determination to achieve what he wanted, young Henry's father, as did other family members, gradually came to accept and even to appreciate Henry's decision about what he wanted to become; and they saw living proof through Henry's own example, that each individual is a “Freewill” agent responsible for his or her own state of affairs - that an individuals state of affairs is determined most largely, not by “Fate,” but by specific actions that an individual chooses through “Freewill” to exercise.
Maybe you are still undecided about what goal you want to achieve, and/or you are still uncertain about which is right, "Fate" or "Freewill”? If so, then you are not alone. People will continue, at times, to have questions about which goals they should pursue and will continue to debate and disagree on the preeminence of “Fate” and “Freewill,” as they always have. It may prove of benefit in helping you arrive at your own decisions about “Fate” and “Freewill,” to weigh the known facts. Namely, that while there is, admittedly, some circumstantial evidence that support a belief in “Fate;” however, there is no actual concrete proof that could justify a dogmatic view in favor of it - the same, however, cannot be said of “"Freewill". There is such a vast amount of tangible evidence in support of its validity, and the fact that you can change your state of affairs by taking appropriate action; that we cannot ignore the validity of “Freewill;” neither can we ignore its claim to preeminence - consider the example of Henry Ford. Add to this, the fact that there are dozens of others, like Henry Ford, whose names I have not mentioned; whose stories I have not yet told.
Maybe you have an inward desire to be or to achieve some cherished goal, as did young Henry Ford who more than anything else wanted to be a mechanic apprentice. It may be a simple goal that everyone expects of you, or maybe your goal deviates a little bit, or quite a distance, from what is, or what you perceive is expected of you; and because of this, you are not exactly sure on how to proceed. In either case, do what young Henry did - listen to your inward yearning to be and to achieve what you want in life; not what someone else wants or expects of you - but what you want. And when you are firmly convinced about what goal you want to achieve, go after it like young Henry did; and like Henry Ford, do not alienate yourself from friends and family. Instead, let your determination win their approval and support.
By recognizing and acting on his right to be a "Freewill" agent, young Henry Ford, with his newly acquired skills, was better suited to repair the farm equipment and still, at the same time, disciplined enough to exercise his obligation to help around the family's farm on his return visits and stays at home. The decision of one 16-year-old farm boy has benefited not only Henry Ford and his immediate family; but it has, and perpetually does, continue to benefit America, the world, and you and me.
Can you imagine the magnitude of the potential loss that we would have endured were it not for the fact that Henry Ford chose to exercise his right as a “Freewill” agent? When you do likewise, what success story will you one day have to share?
Good luck in your journey for success.
How Secure Is Your Source Of Income?
After many years of hard work, you find yourself at the top of your field. All your income is riding on one customer, one job, or one avenue of revenue. Does this sound like your situation? If you answer yes, then you must consider creating multiple streams of income.
What if one day, unexpectedly, you are “down sized”, “cut loose”, “let go”. Call it what you like, but you find yourself without a job, without income. I know how it feels, it happened to me.
First, you panic, then you get really mad and finally you settle down and realize you better do something and do it fast. For many, this has been a very real life experience, one that we wish never occurred.
Most people find it difficult at best, to find a job that will replace the income they had and changing careers is very frightening. So what do you do? You might find another job that you feel is suitable, but in the long term, it is not always, what you thought it was going to be.
What about starting your own business? This seems to be the next logical, and in most cases, the better choice. Whether you choose to start a home based business, a service business or online business, you must make a choice.
Multiple streams of income are imperative, not just for survival, but in order to secure your future. So start now, make the decision that you will develop other ways of producing income for you and your family.
You cannot let a bad situation get you down and keep you on the ground. You must make a decision to get up and turn things around. Without action, nothing changes.
Whatever you choose to do, whether a home based business or a new job and career, you must do it with all your might.
What if one day, unexpectedly, you are “down sized”, “cut loose”, “let go”. Call it what you like, but you find yourself without a job, without income. I know how it feels, it happened to me.
First, you panic, then you get really mad and finally you settle down and realize you better do something and do it fast. For many, this has been a very real life experience, one that we wish never occurred.
Most people find it difficult at best, to find a job that will replace the income they had and changing careers is very frightening. So what do you do? You might find another job that you feel is suitable, but in the long term, it is not always, what you thought it was going to be.
What about starting your own business? This seems to be the next logical, and in most cases, the better choice. Whether you choose to start a home based business, a service business or online business, you must make a choice.
Multiple streams of income are imperative, not just for survival, but in order to secure your future. So start now, make the decision that you will develop other ways of producing income for you and your family.
You cannot let a bad situation get you down and keep you on the ground. You must make a decision to get up and turn things around. Without action, nothing changes.
Whatever you choose to do, whether a home based business or a new job and career, you must do it with all your might.
How One Woman Found Her Perfect Home Business --- Three Times
Have you ever noticed that what works for you at one point in your life, might not work five years down the road. Maybe a divorce happens, or a partner gets a job transfer. Someone in the family could fall ill, and of course, kids come into our lives and then leave the nest to start their own lives. New opportunities arise and old ones disappear; it’s what we often refer to as…LIFE.
I’ve recently been introduced to a woman via the Internet who has changed her self-employment career three times. She has such a great story. Her name is Anlé. Her story starts back in the early 90’s when she and her husband emigrated from South Africa to Germany. It wasn’t an easy move for Anlé, but she was young and full of adventure and optimism.
Anlé’s husband, who was of German descent, found work right away when they moved, but Anlé could barely speak ''ja, nein and ich liebe dich.'' Not being able to speak German was a huge hindrance to her getting hired. In Africa, Anlé was a promotional and advertising manager for their second largest wholesale group, but now, Anlé was going to have to think of a different approach making money, like starting her own business.
She had no idea what type of business to start, so she began to use the Internet as a resource. She happened upon a site called and was able to read about women who had their own home businesses. “I couldn't stop reading, all those business ideas! I printed it all and read all the stories of all Bizymoms and their home businesses. I made a decision that I too can start my own business”. Explains Anlé.
What Anlé did next is key to finding a profitable business. She looked at the needs of her area. Anlé says, “It was a time in Europe where English suddenly became a necessity because of the borders opening between the countries and most people between the age of 30 and 50 suddenly needed English for their careers.” Anlé had no problem speaking English, even though Afrikaans was her native language. She decided to take a five-day course on how to teach people a second language.
Now we all have fears that keep us from improving our lives and moving forward. Anlé was very scared to take the course. She feared of making grammar mistakes, or that she wouldn’t be able to cope. Anlé explains, “I think the biggest problem is that you loose your own identity when you move to a country where you can't speak the language. You loose confidence in yourself when you go to the bakery and you cannot even say what you want. The phone rings and you just stare at it and don't dare to answer cause you don't understand and can't speak to who ever is calling you. The fear probably came from living with this situation for months and loosing confidence in my abilities and myself.” Amazingly today, Anlé speaks German better than English.
The first day of class was hard. “I must admit that first day I was so petrified that I could hardly get my legs to move from my car to the entrance, but I survived.” Anlé took it one day at a time though and completed her five-day course.
Then it was all about getting the word out about her business. She put an ad in the newspaper and waited, she really didn’t know if anyone would actually contact her or not. But it happened. She started to get clients. Then large companies started to contact her to teach their office staff.
Anlé says, “English is not my native language, but with determination and good preparation one could make a success of everything.”
Anlé’s soon became pregnant and had a little boy. She made it very clear to her clients that her son would be coming along to all appointments. But Anlé’s son did something that all of our kids do, he got older. Anlé says, “But as my son grew I found that it was not fair on him to spend so much time in the classroom, where he had to keep himself busy while I was teaching, and so it was back to square one.”
Anlé had to find a new way to make money. Again, she turned to the Internet to get some ideas on what type of business she should start. She explains, “All these years I had been following Bizymoms' progress and as I needed a new idea I came across stories of Bizymoms who started daycare for little children. My daycare, ‘The Zwergenstübchen,’ was born. It was a wonderful time, five little children came from Monday to Friday and my son loved it too.” Anlé truly enjoyed her new business. She explains, “I learned so much from them. I learned to just leave all the 'adult work' and just play. Then my son and all the other children eventually went to Kindergarten, we were finally building our dream house, life was wonderful.”
Life is great when it’s wonderful, but when it turns ugly, it can be devastating. During the building of Anlé’s home her husband had an accident. He slipped and fell from a two-story building. The doctors gave him a 20% chance of ever walking again. Anlé found that out later. Her husband, being a very positive soul, turned it around and told he had a 80% chance to walk. He spent many weeks in the hospital, ten months in a wheelchair, underwent lots of therapy, and because of all the time he had to take off to recover, he lost his job. Anlé found herself with no job, a half-built house in middle of winter, and lots of debt!
The situation was bleak, but Anlé didn’t give up. She again turned to the Internet for help and motivation. She explains, “I read everything on Bizymoms, again and again, trying to find something that I could do. And then one day I found it. Liz Folger advised someone who didn’t know what kind of home business to start to 'to do what you really love,' and as I have always painted and loved it, I tried to draw a picture of my son; combining the two things that I love most!”
When you look at Anlé’s work you will be amazed. She is such a gifted artist, and that is how she is currently making her living. On the front page of her site you will see the picture she drew of her son. Anlé’s business is a dream come true. She says, “I get up in the morning and can’t wait to start!” And really, that’s how it should be. Anlé now works on a commission basis, and she has the support of all her friends and family.
Anlé’s son is a huge supporter of her business. He is so proud of his mothers work. He tells everybody his mom is an artist and all his little friends get a business card with the strict order to give it to their parents. Anlé says, “When they come and play, he always shows them what I am working on and tells them if they want a picture of themselves, his mom can draw it. I even got two commissions because of his networking.”
Anlé’s determination and power of positive thinking has clearly helped in the success of her business. Two quotes that she loves are, 'I always do the things that I can't do, that's how I get to do them,' and 'it's always to soon to quit!'. She ends by saying, “It is very true that if you do something that you love, the rest is history as they say.” You can view Anlé’s website at
I’ve recently been introduced to a woman via the Internet who has changed her self-employment career three times. She has such a great story. Her name is Anlé. Her story starts back in the early 90’s when she and her husband emigrated from South Africa to Germany. It wasn’t an easy move for Anlé, but she was young and full of adventure and optimism.
Anlé’s husband, who was of German descent, found work right away when they moved, but Anlé could barely speak ''ja, nein and ich liebe dich.'' Not being able to speak German was a huge hindrance to her getting hired. In Africa, Anlé was a promotional and advertising manager for their second largest wholesale group, but now, Anlé was going to have to think of a different approach making money, like starting her own business.
She had no idea what type of business to start, so she began to use the Internet as a resource. She happened upon a site called and was able to read about women who had their own home businesses. “I couldn't stop reading, all those business ideas! I printed it all and read all the stories of all Bizymoms and their home businesses. I made a decision that I too can start my own business”. Explains Anlé.
What Anlé did next is key to finding a profitable business. She looked at the needs of her area. Anlé says, “It was a time in Europe where English suddenly became a necessity because of the borders opening between the countries and most people between the age of 30 and 50 suddenly needed English for their careers.” Anlé had no problem speaking English, even though Afrikaans was her native language. She decided to take a five-day course on how to teach people a second language.
Now we all have fears that keep us from improving our lives and moving forward. Anlé was very scared to take the course. She feared of making grammar mistakes, or that she wouldn’t be able to cope. Anlé explains, “I think the biggest problem is that you loose your own identity when you move to a country where you can't speak the language. You loose confidence in yourself when you go to the bakery and you cannot even say what you want. The phone rings and you just stare at it and don't dare to answer cause you don't understand and can't speak to who ever is calling you. The fear probably came from living with this situation for months and loosing confidence in my abilities and myself.” Amazingly today, Anlé speaks German better than English.
The first day of class was hard. “I must admit that first day I was so petrified that I could hardly get my legs to move from my car to the entrance, but I survived.” Anlé took it one day at a time though and completed her five-day course.
Then it was all about getting the word out about her business. She put an ad in the newspaper and waited, she really didn’t know if anyone would actually contact her or not. But it happened. She started to get clients. Then large companies started to contact her to teach their office staff.
Anlé says, “English is not my native language, but with determination and good preparation one could make a success of everything.”
Anlé’s soon became pregnant and had a little boy. She made it very clear to her clients that her son would be coming along to all appointments. But Anlé’s son did something that all of our kids do, he got older. Anlé says, “But as my son grew I found that it was not fair on him to spend so much time in the classroom, where he had to keep himself busy while I was teaching, and so it was back to square one.”
Anlé had to find a new way to make money. Again, she turned to the Internet to get some ideas on what type of business she should start. She explains, “All these years I had been following Bizymoms' progress and as I needed a new idea I came across stories of Bizymoms who started daycare for little children. My daycare, ‘The Zwergenstübchen,’ was born. It was a wonderful time, five little children came from Monday to Friday and my son loved it too.” Anlé truly enjoyed her new business. She explains, “I learned so much from them. I learned to just leave all the 'adult work' and just play. Then my son and all the other children eventually went to Kindergarten, we were finally building our dream house, life was wonderful.”
Life is great when it’s wonderful, but when it turns ugly, it can be devastating. During the building of Anlé’s home her husband had an accident. He slipped and fell from a two-story building. The doctors gave him a 20% chance of ever walking again. Anlé found that out later. Her husband, being a very positive soul, turned it around and told he had a 80% chance to walk. He spent many weeks in the hospital, ten months in a wheelchair, underwent lots of therapy, and because of all the time he had to take off to recover, he lost his job. Anlé found herself with no job, a half-built house in middle of winter, and lots of debt!
The situation was bleak, but Anlé didn’t give up. She again turned to the Internet for help and motivation. She explains, “I read everything on Bizymoms, again and again, trying to find something that I could do. And then one day I found it. Liz Folger advised someone who didn’t know what kind of home business to start to 'to do what you really love,' and as I have always painted and loved it, I tried to draw a picture of my son; combining the two things that I love most!”
When you look at Anlé’s work you will be amazed. She is such a gifted artist, and that is how she is currently making her living. On the front page of her site you will see the picture she drew of her son. Anlé’s business is a dream come true. She says, “I get up in the morning and can’t wait to start!” And really, that’s how it should be. Anlé now works on a commission basis, and she has the support of all her friends and family.
Anlé’s son is a huge supporter of her business. He is so proud of his mothers work. He tells everybody his mom is an artist and all his little friends get a business card with the strict order to give it to their parents. Anlé says, “When they come and play, he always shows them what I am working on and tells them if they want a picture of themselves, his mom can draw it. I even got two commissions because of his networking.”
Anlé’s determination and power of positive thinking has clearly helped in the success of her business. Two quotes that she loves are, 'I always do the things that I can't do, that's how I get to do them,' and 'it's always to soon to quit!'. She ends by saying, “It is very true that if you do something that you love, the rest is history as they say.” You can view Anlé’s website at
How My Business Began
My own blog...$Free
Hosting Website...$ 24.95
Marketing program...$39.95
Knowledge acquired since starting my business...PRICELESS
Recently, while playing my favorite game of Solitaire, I grew bored with the constant flipping of cards, moving hearts to one side, spades to the other that I decided to see what type of opportunities were available for making money online.I've never really thought of the internet as a tool I could use to reach my life's desires as my technical knowledge lies somewhere between "how do I turn this on?" to "okay, what next?"However, what is life if you don't take a few chances now and then?
So I opened up "Google" typed in "making money online" hit the "enter" key and presto...there they were...thousands of ways to achieve your wildest dreams!
Imagine my delight when all I had to do was send $49.95 to Joe Schmo's "Look at me, I'm a millionaire and you can be too" program, my very own business in a box, and I too would be sipping margaritas while polishing my Ferrari on the Mediterranean coast within just a few short days!All I have to do is hang out the open sign.Fantastic!
That's it folks, purchase my program today and follow my Super Duper Easy 1-2-3 steps to a lifetime of success and I'll do all the work for you, set up your website, line you up with the most profitable organizations with the best products and you can just sit back and watch the money roll in."Look at me!"If I can do it you can too.But, remember this offer is only good until midnight tonight.
Where do I sign up!Here is my credit card number, here is my address for my free laptop, here is my email and this is the PayPal account where you can deposit all my checks.Let me know when my business is up and running and I'll see you in Bermuda.
Now, I can say that I was not overly surprised when Joe Schmo's program proved to be less than what I was led to believe, after all, does anyone ever find financial freedom without putting some effort into it?No.The upside is that I had spent so much time surfing the net that day that I did come across an opportunity that had sparked an interest.
I discovered what you absolutely need to get started...a reputable program that follows through on its promises. If you are just starting out in the internet marketing arena it is absolutely imperative that you align yourself with people who already have proven programs in place.
Do the research.Before starting your own IM business you want to know whom the successful people are.You will find that a lot of the same names keep reappearing.These are the ones you want to emulate.These are the ones who have acquired the knowledge you need to fast track your success.
Be prepared to invest in your future.There are no "get rich quick" schemes that really work.
Have a proper business plan in place.How much time and effort are you willing to commit to your enterprise?Where do you want to be in 3 months, a year?What are you hoping to achieve?These are questions you need to ask yourself before embarking on your endeavor.
I opted to pursue a career at home in order to combine business and family responsibility.My business is focused around this objective.
Be consistent.I spend a minimum of 2 hours per day working towards my goal.Internet marketing allows me the flexibility of determining how many hours and which hours I work.
This journey has not been easy and there are times when I question myself.To combat this I have joined the most informative forums filled with knowledgeable people to point me in the right direction.I've affiliated myself with organizations that offer useful services and detailed tutorials.
The experience and information I have acquired in a brief period of time is not only astounding but also invaluable.Just a short while ago I had no idea what you could do with a computer, now, I can set up web pages, write newsletters, program in html codes and make money, make a lot of money.This is absolutely amazing!
Online marketing has given me insight into the endless possibilities I have at my fingertips.I can do anything.All it will require is hard work, determination and the ability to stay focused on the big picture.
Hosting Website...$ 24.95
Marketing program...$39.95
Knowledge acquired since starting my business...PRICELESS
Recently, while playing my favorite game of Solitaire, I grew bored with the constant flipping of cards, moving hearts to one side, spades to the other that I decided to see what type of opportunities were available for making money online.I've never really thought of the internet as a tool I could use to reach my life's desires as my technical knowledge lies somewhere between "how do I turn this on?" to "okay, what next?"However, what is life if you don't take a few chances now and then?
So I opened up "Google" typed in "making money online" hit the "enter" key and presto...there they were...thousands of ways to achieve your wildest dreams!
Imagine my delight when all I had to do was send $49.95 to Joe Schmo's "Look at me, I'm a millionaire and you can be too" program, my very own business in a box, and I too would be sipping margaritas while polishing my Ferrari on the Mediterranean coast within just a few short days!All I have to do is hang out the open sign.Fantastic!
That's it folks, purchase my program today and follow my Super Duper Easy 1-2-3 steps to a lifetime of success and I'll do all the work for you, set up your website, line you up with the most profitable organizations with the best products and you can just sit back and watch the money roll in."Look at me!"If I can do it you can too.But, remember this offer is only good until midnight tonight.
Where do I sign up!Here is my credit card number, here is my address for my free laptop, here is my email and this is the PayPal account where you can deposit all my checks.Let me know when my business is up and running and I'll see you in Bermuda.
Now, I can say that I was not overly surprised when Joe Schmo's program proved to be less than what I was led to believe, after all, does anyone ever find financial freedom without putting some effort into it?No.The upside is that I had spent so much time surfing the net that day that I did come across an opportunity that had sparked an interest.
I discovered what you absolutely need to get started...a reputable program that follows through on its promises. If you are just starting out in the internet marketing arena it is absolutely imperative that you align yourself with people who already have proven programs in place.
Do the research.Before starting your own IM business you want to know whom the successful people are.You will find that a lot of the same names keep reappearing.These are the ones you want to emulate.These are the ones who have acquired the knowledge you need to fast track your success.
Be prepared to invest in your future.There are no "get rich quick" schemes that really work.
Have a proper business plan in place.How much time and effort are you willing to commit to your enterprise?Where do you want to be in 3 months, a year?What are you hoping to achieve?These are questions you need to ask yourself before embarking on your endeavor.
I opted to pursue a career at home in order to combine business and family responsibility.My business is focused around this objective.
Be consistent.I spend a minimum of 2 hours per day working towards my goal.Internet marketing allows me the flexibility of determining how many hours and which hours I work.
This journey has not been easy and there are times when I question myself.To combat this I have joined the most informative forums filled with knowledgeable people to point me in the right direction.I've affiliated myself with organizations that offer useful services and detailed tutorials.
The experience and information I have acquired in a brief period of time is not only astounding but also invaluable.Just a short while ago I had no idea what you could do with a computer, now, I can set up web pages, write newsletters, program in html codes and make money, make a lot of money.This is absolutely amazing!
Online marketing has given me insight into the endless possibilities I have at my fingertips.I can do anything.All it will require is hard work, determination and the ability to stay focused on the big picture.
How Much Fun Are You As a Home-Based Business Owner?
Isn't it amazing how when something is off kilter, a series of events or circumstances arise that shines a big bright light on the situation?
The matter requiring attention is revealed one way or another whether you want it to be or not.
If you're a coach, this may ring true more so for you. I don't know how many times I've conducted a session with a client only to realize that I am in as much need of directing my attention to the very same issue they're working on.
In recent weeks, I have allowed myself to become consumed by business activities while fitness, family and fun have taken a back seat.
Sometimes you need to burn a little extra fuel to get the rocket off the ground, but there comes a time when you have to let up on the power boosters and let the momentum you've created propel the ship.
If you continue to run the ship at full power, the fuel supply will quickly disappear and you may not make it to your intended destination.
Fortunately, a series of events have required that I pay attention to the imbalance I created. First, I was asked to write an article on how to build fun and balance into a home-based business while remaining productive.
Second, I paid an impromptu visit to the library and picked up Jay Conrad Levinson's, The Way of The Guerilla, an excellent exposé on the motivations of today's entrepreneur and the critical importance of balance, family, health and relationships.
I had no idea what this book was about until I started reading it, however, it was exactly what I needed at the time.
Third, I had a coaching session with a client in which we focused our attention on an extensive project that will involve a large group of people and require specific structures, processes, responsibilities and a compelling vision that will be embraced by every member of the team.
Focusing on the schematics of a project is often the easy part. It's giving our self top priority throughout the process that poses the biggest challenge.
As we wrapped up the session I stressed the importance of taking care of "self" to my client and at the same time, I realized the message applied to me as well.
As you go through your day and work your plan, keep in mind these words I shared with my client ...
"Your body and your mind are the vehicles that will allow you to carry out your dream. Give them top priority because without them, everything else is dust."
I actually posted these words on my computer screen as a daily reminder to myself. If this is what you need to do to serve as a daily reminder of the importance of taking care of yourself first, I encourage you to do the same.
2006 © Laurie Hayes - The HBB Source
The matter requiring attention is revealed one way or another whether you want it to be or not.
If you're a coach, this may ring true more so for you. I don't know how many times I've conducted a session with a client only to realize that I am in as much need of directing my attention to the very same issue they're working on.
In recent weeks, I have allowed myself to become consumed by business activities while fitness, family and fun have taken a back seat.
Sometimes you need to burn a little extra fuel to get the rocket off the ground, but there comes a time when you have to let up on the power boosters and let the momentum you've created propel the ship.
If you continue to run the ship at full power, the fuel supply will quickly disappear and you may not make it to your intended destination.
Fortunately, a series of events have required that I pay attention to the imbalance I created. First, I was asked to write an article on how to build fun and balance into a home-based business while remaining productive.
Second, I paid an impromptu visit to the library and picked up Jay Conrad Levinson's, The Way of The Guerilla, an excellent exposé on the motivations of today's entrepreneur and the critical importance of balance, family, health and relationships.
I had no idea what this book was about until I started reading it, however, it was exactly what I needed at the time.
Third, I had a coaching session with a client in which we focused our attention on an extensive project that will involve a large group of people and require specific structures, processes, responsibilities and a compelling vision that will be embraced by every member of the team.
Focusing on the schematics of a project is often the easy part. It's giving our self top priority throughout the process that poses the biggest challenge.
As we wrapped up the session I stressed the importance of taking care of "self" to my client and at the same time, I realized the message applied to me as well.
As you go through your day and work your plan, keep in mind these words I shared with my client ...
"Your body and your mind are the vehicles that will allow you to carry out your dream. Give them top priority because without them, everything else is dust."
I actually posted these words on my computer screen as a daily reminder to myself. If this is what you need to do to serve as a daily reminder of the importance of taking care of yourself first, I encourage you to do the same.
2006 © Laurie Hayes - The HBB Source
How Long Will Your Home Biz Company Be Around?
Often someone will ask me if I’ve heard of a certain company, or if I know how long they’ve been around. But the most interesting question that I am sometimes asked is, “how long do you think they ‘will’ be around?”
That last one is not only an interesting question, but it’s one that really no one can possibly have an answer to.
Just in the weeks prior to this article being written two of the World’s largest corporations, General Motors Corporation, and Ford Motor Company, had their credit ratings downgraded to junk bond status by the industry’s credit and investment rating services such as Standard & Poor’s and Fitch Ratings. And of course many people will remember Chrysler Corporation’s brush with near bankruptcy in the 1980s.
It is only coincidence that two of the largest automakers were in the news when I wrote this article, but certainly many corporate giants in numerous industries have faced tough times, including Kmart, Sears, and most of the major airlines.
Excel Communications became one of the most successful companies in the home business industry, and in American business history, only to later end in bankruptcy due to corporate greed and mismanagement.
Despite examples like those above it is certainly not all doom and gloom. In fact, with the exception of Excel and some of the airlines, such as TWA, every one of the companies mentioned above is still in business.
I started with the examples above to illustrate that no company is immune from ups and downs, regardless of how large or how well established. But that certainly doesn’t mean that you can’t stack the odds in your favor when considering home business opportunities. In fact, some of the criteria that you can use to make your evaluation are incredibly simple. But many people still choose to ignore good advice when it comes to making such decisions.
We could go into more detailed considerations of such things as company management, the lineup of products and services, etc. (all important factors). However, not only can it be difficult to judge such things, but even those and many other factors aren’t as important as the test of time.
Simply choosing a company that has been around for a while (with “a while” being a minimum of 2 to 3 years and preferably 5 or more) will automatically stack the odds in your favor as opposed to people who choose to go with risky startups and pre-launches.
Most “new” businesses fail, and that’s a fact that is now so well documented that it might as well be cast in stone. And, again, we’re not just talking about the home business industry. It’s a statistic that applies to businesses of almost every type. However, once a business is no longer, “new,” after it has proven that it can survive beyond those first critical months and years, its chances for continued success simply continue to increase over time.
There can be no assurance that even a company that has been around for a long time won’t experience bumps in the road, or even major problems, but history clearly shows that the longer the company has been in business, the longer they are likely to be able to continue to survive and be successful.
Of course, there are some who enjoy the potential rewards, and substantially much higher risks, associated with new companies. However, in reality, most people who become involved with such companies only do so because they aren’t aware of the statistics regarding business success and failure. And then also many people become so wrapped up in the hype, emotion, and sometimes even greed (of promised skyrocketing profits due to being in on “the ground floor”) often associated with new companies that they throw all caution aside and jump in anyway.
You don’t have to become as knowledgeable as a business analyst to boost your chances of success tremendously simply by following the one simple rule of picking a company that has been around for a while.
Can you or anyone else guarantee that any particular company will be around 5, 10, or 20 years from now? Absolutely not… Can you stack the odds in your favor and make it much more likely that your company will still be around 5, 10, or 20 years from now simply by avoiding startups and new companies? Absolutely the answer is yes!
The choice is yours.
That last one is not only an interesting question, but it’s one that really no one can possibly have an answer to.
Just in the weeks prior to this article being written two of the World’s largest corporations, General Motors Corporation, and Ford Motor Company, had their credit ratings downgraded to junk bond status by the industry’s credit and investment rating services such as Standard & Poor’s and Fitch Ratings. And of course many people will remember Chrysler Corporation’s brush with near bankruptcy in the 1980s.
It is only coincidence that two of the largest automakers were in the news when I wrote this article, but certainly many corporate giants in numerous industries have faced tough times, including Kmart, Sears, and most of the major airlines.
Excel Communications became one of the most successful companies in the home business industry, and in American business history, only to later end in bankruptcy due to corporate greed and mismanagement.
Despite examples like those above it is certainly not all doom and gloom. In fact, with the exception of Excel and some of the airlines, such as TWA, every one of the companies mentioned above is still in business.
I started with the examples above to illustrate that no company is immune from ups and downs, regardless of how large or how well established. But that certainly doesn’t mean that you can’t stack the odds in your favor when considering home business opportunities. In fact, some of the criteria that you can use to make your evaluation are incredibly simple. But many people still choose to ignore good advice when it comes to making such decisions.
We could go into more detailed considerations of such things as company management, the lineup of products and services, etc. (all important factors). However, not only can it be difficult to judge such things, but even those and many other factors aren’t as important as the test of time.
Simply choosing a company that has been around for a while (with “a while” being a minimum of 2 to 3 years and preferably 5 or more) will automatically stack the odds in your favor as opposed to people who choose to go with risky startups and pre-launches.
Most “new” businesses fail, and that’s a fact that is now so well documented that it might as well be cast in stone. And, again, we’re not just talking about the home business industry. It’s a statistic that applies to businesses of almost every type. However, once a business is no longer, “new,” after it has proven that it can survive beyond those first critical months and years, its chances for continued success simply continue to increase over time.
There can be no assurance that even a company that has been around for a long time won’t experience bumps in the road, or even major problems, but history clearly shows that the longer the company has been in business, the longer they are likely to be able to continue to survive and be successful.
Of course, there are some who enjoy the potential rewards, and substantially much higher risks, associated with new companies. However, in reality, most people who become involved with such companies only do so because they aren’t aware of the statistics regarding business success and failure. And then also many people become so wrapped up in the hype, emotion, and sometimes even greed (of promised skyrocketing profits due to being in on “the ground floor”) often associated with new companies that they throw all caution aside and jump in anyway.
You don’t have to become as knowledgeable as a business analyst to boost your chances of success tremendously simply by following the one simple rule of picking a company that has been around for a while.
Can you or anyone else guarantee that any particular company will be around 5, 10, or 20 years from now? Absolutely not… Can you stack the odds in your favor and make it much more likely that your company will still be around 5, 10, or 20 years from now simply by avoiding startups and new companies? Absolutely the answer is yes!
The choice is yours.
How Long Before You Make Money?
With the exception of some not for profit organizations most people go into business in order to produce revenue (income) and profit. Unfortunately, when it comes to a home business, and especially network marketing, many people forget this important point.
In a traditional business, whether a Ma and Pa shop, or a large franchise store like McDonald’s, business owners know to watch their numbers. A business must make a profit in order to survive and, if it doesn’t, adjustments must be made accordingly.
One of the reasons for the high failure rate in small businesses, home businesses, and MLM (network marketing), is because due to the low entry costs and requirements people often don’t treat them like, “real businesses.”
Two things commonly happen:
1) Many people have the attitude that since they didn’t have to invest much to begin with they really don’t have to be too concerned about whether they make money or not, or how soon. Of course, that often ends up being a self-fulfilling prophecy. It’s not just that way with a business, but with many things in life. If you come to own something that cost a great deal or required a lot of effort to acquire you tend to appreciate it more than something of lesser perceived value.
When you consider that network marketing has made some people just as much if not more money than many other traditional kinds of businesses, with incomes of as much as $1 million a month or more being achieved, treating a MLM as if it isn’t a serious or real business is a huge mistake!
2) Because the entry cost can be so low people overlook the cost of not making money, and also have a tendency not to pay attention to how much their other expenses associated with their business (such as trips, conventions, and/or buying extra products or services over and above what you really need) add up over time.
For example, let’s say that you spend $500 to sign up for a new business. Not a lot of money at all, maybe the price of a cup of coffee a day and some change.
Weeks go by, and then months, maybe even years, and you still aren’t making any money. Perhaps you don’t think much of it because, you think to yourself, “I only spent $500 to get started in this business anyway.”
But what are the true cost? Let’s say that in addition to your startup cost you have also been spending $150 each and every month on buying your company’s products and services. (Perfectly ok if you enjoy and use all of the products you buy; not ok if you are buying more than you need simply to qualify for a certain level with your company!) And let’s also assume that you are spending $50 a month on meetings, conventions, or seminars (many people spend much more).
So, even though you really haven’t paid much attention because you only invested $500 to begin with, if your business hasn’t yet started making you money then you are really spending AND LOSING $2,400 a year, in this hypothetical example. And, here again, in reality many people often end up spending much, much more.
Going back to the example at the beginning of this article about a traditional business, like a McDonald’s. Those kinds of businesses often have much higher costs associated with them, such as a store lease or mortgage, equipment leases, payroll, etc. It isn’t uncommon for a traditional business to have to operate for months or years before making a profit.
In contrast -- though networking marketing is NOT designed necessarily to make you a very large amount of money overnight -- you can and should be able to generate an ever increasing residual income for yourself over time, and starting in relatively short order.
Everyone approaches a new home business differently. Some people prefer to roll their sleeves up and dig right in, expecting to start making money almost immediately. While others prefer to first spend time learning more about their new business, and/or obtaining any available training. So it’s acceptable, if you choose, to take a few weeks or even a month to “prepare” for your new business. However, especially if it is your goal to start making money right away, it is entirely realistic with most networking businesses to start earning viable amounts of money within as little as 30 days.
Certainly within 90 days you will want to start seeing some kind of payoff in return for your efforts. And no more than 6 months should go by without positively starting to see income coming in. In fact, ideally, you should try whenever possible to not only earn enough money to cover your original startup costs, but you absolutely should be making a profit (in other words, extra money) within this time.
If after 30 to 90 days, 6 months maximum, you are not making a profit, you should seriously reevaluate!
To summarize:
1) Always remember to track ALL of your directly related business expenses, including how much you spend on leads, products and services, meetings, trips and conventions, training, etc. You must add these expenses to your original startup costs.
2) Subtract how much money you’ve earned from the number above (your total expenses) and this will tell you how much money you’ve made (profit), or how much money you’ve lost and/or are losing.
3) To repeat: If after 30 to 90 days, 6 months maximum, you are not making a profit, you should seriously reevaluate!
Don’t continue down the same path if you are only spending more money than you are making, and not making any profit in return.
Remember, except for a not for profit endeavor, the purpose of being in business is to make money. And in order to make money you have to actually make more money than you spend.
In a traditional business, whether a Ma and Pa shop, or a large franchise store like McDonald’s, business owners know to watch their numbers. A business must make a profit in order to survive and, if it doesn’t, adjustments must be made accordingly.
One of the reasons for the high failure rate in small businesses, home businesses, and MLM (network marketing), is because due to the low entry costs and requirements people often don’t treat them like, “real businesses.”
Two things commonly happen:
1) Many people have the attitude that since they didn’t have to invest much to begin with they really don’t have to be too concerned about whether they make money or not, or how soon. Of course, that often ends up being a self-fulfilling prophecy. It’s not just that way with a business, but with many things in life. If you come to own something that cost a great deal or required a lot of effort to acquire you tend to appreciate it more than something of lesser perceived value.
When you consider that network marketing has made some people just as much if not more money than many other traditional kinds of businesses, with incomes of as much as $1 million a month or more being achieved, treating a MLM as if it isn’t a serious or real business is a huge mistake!
2) Because the entry cost can be so low people overlook the cost of not making money, and also have a tendency not to pay attention to how much their other expenses associated with their business (such as trips, conventions, and/or buying extra products or services over and above what you really need) add up over time.
For example, let’s say that you spend $500 to sign up for a new business. Not a lot of money at all, maybe the price of a cup of coffee a day and some change.
Weeks go by, and then months, maybe even years, and you still aren’t making any money. Perhaps you don’t think much of it because, you think to yourself, “I only spent $500 to get started in this business anyway.”
But what are the true cost? Let’s say that in addition to your startup cost you have also been spending $150 each and every month on buying your company’s products and services. (Perfectly ok if you enjoy and use all of the products you buy; not ok if you are buying more than you need simply to qualify for a certain level with your company!) And let’s also assume that you are spending $50 a month on meetings, conventions, or seminars (many people spend much more).
So, even though you really haven’t paid much attention because you only invested $500 to begin with, if your business hasn’t yet started making you money then you are really spending AND LOSING $2,400 a year, in this hypothetical example. And, here again, in reality many people often end up spending much, much more.
Going back to the example at the beginning of this article about a traditional business, like a McDonald’s. Those kinds of businesses often have much higher costs associated with them, such as a store lease or mortgage, equipment leases, payroll, etc. It isn’t uncommon for a traditional business to have to operate for months or years before making a profit.
In contrast -- though networking marketing is NOT designed necessarily to make you a very large amount of money overnight -- you can and should be able to generate an ever increasing residual income for yourself over time, and starting in relatively short order.
Everyone approaches a new home business differently. Some people prefer to roll their sleeves up and dig right in, expecting to start making money almost immediately. While others prefer to first spend time learning more about their new business, and/or obtaining any available training. So it’s acceptable, if you choose, to take a few weeks or even a month to “prepare” for your new business. However, especially if it is your goal to start making money right away, it is entirely realistic with most networking businesses to start earning viable amounts of money within as little as 30 days.
Certainly within 90 days you will want to start seeing some kind of payoff in return for your efforts. And no more than 6 months should go by without positively starting to see income coming in. In fact, ideally, you should try whenever possible to not only earn enough money to cover your original startup costs, but you absolutely should be making a profit (in other words, extra money) within this time.
If after 30 to 90 days, 6 months maximum, you are not making a profit, you should seriously reevaluate!
To summarize:
1) Always remember to track ALL of your directly related business expenses, including how much you spend on leads, products and services, meetings, trips and conventions, training, etc. You must add these expenses to your original startup costs.
2) Subtract how much money you’ve earned from the number above (your total expenses) and this will tell you how much money you’ve made (profit), or how much money you’ve lost and/or are losing.
3) To repeat: If after 30 to 90 days, 6 months maximum, you are not making a profit, you should seriously reevaluate!
Don’t continue down the same path if you are only spending more money than you are making, and not making any profit in return.
Remember, except for a not for profit endeavor, the purpose of being in business is to make money. And in order to make money you have to actually make more money than you spend.
How Do You Win At Home-Based Business? Hit The Floor Running
Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the fastest lion... or... it will be killed.
Every morning a lion wakes up. It knows it must outrun the slowest gazelle... or... it will starve to death.
It doesn't matter whether you are a gazelle or a lion, when the sun comes up... you better be running.
With no boss breathing down your neck or clock to punch, It can be so tempting to stay in bed one hour longer, to postpone picking up the phone and contacting that prospect, or to focus your time and energy on the easy and fun stuff and put the unpleasant stuff off until later.
One of the core competencies you need to succeed at home-based business is DISCIPLINE. You are now responsible for your success 24/7 and if you aren't doing what is required to succeed, there won't be someone to come along behind you and clean up your mess. It's do or die, eat or be eaten.
To truly succeed as a serious home-based business owner, you need to be strong-willed and self-disciplined. You also need a solid, thorough, written plan to keep you on track and in constant motion.
To ensure continuous momentum, you can plan your daily activities a month in advance, or even weekly. Some people prefer to dedicate each day of the week to a different task, for example:
Monday - marketing
Tuesday - business building
Wednesday - customer relations
... and so on.
Others prefer to perform a variety of tasks on any given day, for example:
Monday - marketing (morning), business building (afternoon)
Tuesday - customers relations (morning), industry research (afternoon)
The most important factor here is have a Plan and stick to it.
Although most people start a home-based business to create freedom, many of them fail to recognize the critical importance of a structured plan.
No plan = no business and no business = no freedom.
So remember, hit the floor running each morning, keep ahead of those who are following behind and overtake those in front of you. Whether you're the lion or the gazelle, you've got to run!
2006 © Laurie Hayes - The HBB Source
Every morning a lion wakes up. It knows it must outrun the slowest gazelle... or... it will starve to death.
It doesn't matter whether you are a gazelle or a lion, when the sun comes up... you better be running.
With no boss breathing down your neck or clock to punch, It can be so tempting to stay in bed one hour longer, to postpone picking up the phone and contacting that prospect, or to focus your time and energy on the easy and fun stuff and put the unpleasant stuff off until later.
One of the core competencies you need to succeed at home-based business is DISCIPLINE. You are now responsible for your success 24/7 and if you aren't doing what is required to succeed, there won't be someone to come along behind you and clean up your mess. It's do or die, eat or be eaten.
To truly succeed as a serious home-based business owner, you need to be strong-willed and self-disciplined. You also need a solid, thorough, written plan to keep you on track and in constant motion.
To ensure continuous momentum, you can plan your daily activities a month in advance, or even weekly. Some people prefer to dedicate each day of the week to a different task, for example:
Monday - marketing
Tuesday - business building
Wednesday - customer relations
... and so on.
Others prefer to perform a variety of tasks on any given day, for example:
Monday - marketing (morning), business building (afternoon)
Tuesday - customers relations (morning), industry research (afternoon)
The most important factor here is have a Plan and stick to it.
Although most people start a home-based business to create freedom, many of them fail to recognize the critical importance of a structured plan.
No plan = no business and no business = no freedom.
So remember, hit the floor running each morning, keep ahead of those who are following behind and overtake those in front of you. Whether you're the lion or the gazelle, you've got to run!
2006 © Laurie Hayes - The HBB Source
How do you plan on making your money?
How do you make money? How do you not let money use you? Well let’s take the first question? How do you make money? Here are some easy ways:
• Job
• Start a business
• Inherit money
• Lottery / Gamble
• Crime
As odd as it sounds, all above are viable ways to make money. Most of the population makes money via a job. We work for others. This is a familiar, respectable and time honored approach to supporting yourself. The only problem is sometimes you end up jobless, defeated, and angry. Welcome to the rat race!
Starting a business sounds nice. Become the boss with all the neat stuff like suits, executive offices, and lavish lifestyle. This sounds great as long as you are successful, and you assume ALL the risk. We touched on this before. Mentally you need to prepare to go through the fire of being an entrepreneur if you have never done this before.
Inheritance is great. You just need someone rich to die and leave it to us. This is not likely and nonrenewable. The money is always running out if you don’t make more.
The lottery is simply NOT going to happen. Gambling is just plain stupid. Casinos don’t build 75 million dollar fountains with the money they lost to patrons.
The constants in making money are preparation, preservation and perspiration. The preparation is what we’ll call the money trap. Preparation centers around the business make up, the marketing action and the follow-through. Efficiency is of the utmost importance. Preservation means that your business must preserve its value. Value embedded as hard assets, or financial instruments have long been used for value preservation. Preservation of value is re-investment.
Re-investment is business building.
Perspiration is the undeniable cost of owning and running a business. Most of the fantasies about running and owning your own business fade when the self-employed realize that when they don’t work, they don’t eat. This is the hard work that nobody likes to talk about. Successful owners are diligent, disciplined and focused people. They work weekends, holidays, and virtually everyday.
Most businesses have barriers to entry, the minimum cost of investment. With the age of computers new businesses like internet marketing, desktop businesses and other digital businesses have evolved. It is critical that entrepreneurs take advantage of automation. Few business forms don’t involve interaction, high entry barriers (big investments to start) and other difficulties. MOST traditional brick-and-mortar businesses involve the investment of thousands of dollars, often with no business training or mentoring in the field of business.
An excellent business is one that fits the following description:
• Low or no investment
• Requires little/low time investment
• Requires few/no employees
• Provides a RENEWABLE source of income
• Services are FAVORED over goods, as services are infinitely renewable, products reach a sales maturity level and decline
Below are some examples of desktop businesses you can use at home to make money:
• Resume writing
• E-bay
• Internet Information Marketing
• Permanent Tourists….
There are a lot of benefits to living and working outside your daily environment. It is very difficult to increase your risk tolerance while you are “trapped” by your current lifestyle. Often businesspeople “find” themselves when laid off. You may need to step outside your life to go the next level.
Most people can’t envision themselves stepping outside their lifestyles because we are so well conditioned to go to a job. Think about it, you are trained to get up and go “somewhere” on a schedule your entire life. In kindergarten, kids are conditioned to get up and live on a schedule from that point on. True businesspeople don’t have a rigid schedule. They earn their way by balancing risk with reward, one of which is personal freedom. What is your freedom worth? Often times we ask what the successful know that we don’t. The answer is nothing. The difference between the successful businessman and us is that he will accept the risk or tough way to eke out a living and we will not. I urge you to summon your courage.
• Job
• Start a business
• Inherit money
• Lottery / Gamble
• Crime
As odd as it sounds, all above are viable ways to make money. Most of the population makes money via a job. We work for others. This is a familiar, respectable and time honored approach to supporting yourself. The only problem is sometimes you end up jobless, defeated, and angry. Welcome to the rat race!
Starting a business sounds nice. Become the boss with all the neat stuff like suits, executive offices, and lavish lifestyle. This sounds great as long as you are successful, and you assume ALL the risk. We touched on this before. Mentally you need to prepare to go through the fire of being an entrepreneur if you have never done this before.
Inheritance is great. You just need someone rich to die and leave it to us. This is not likely and nonrenewable. The money is always running out if you don’t make more.
The lottery is simply NOT going to happen. Gambling is just plain stupid. Casinos don’t build 75 million dollar fountains with the money they lost to patrons.
The constants in making money are preparation, preservation and perspiration. The preparation is what we’ll call the money trap. Preparation centers around the business make up, the marketing action and the follow-through. Efficiency is of the utmost importance. Preservation means that your business must preserve its value. Value embedded as hard assets, or financial instruments have long been used for value preservation. Preservation of value is re-investment.
Re-investment is business building.
Perspiration is the undeniable cost of owning and running a business. Most of the fantasies about running and owning your own business fade when the self-employed realize that when they don’t work, they don’t eat. This is the hard work that nobody likes to talk about. Successful owners are diligent, disciplined and focused people. They work weekends, holidays, and virtually everyday.
Most businesses have barriers to entry, the minimum cost of investment. With the age of computers new businesses like internet marketing, desktop businesses and other digital businesses have evolved. It is critical that entrepreneurs take advantage of automation. Few business forms don’t involve interaction, high entry barriers (big investments to start) and other difficulties. MOST traditional brick-and-mortar businesses involve the investment of thousands of dollars, often with no business training or mentoring in the field of business.
An excellent business is one that fits the following description:
• Low or no investment
• Requires little/low time investment
• Requires few/no employees
• Provides a RENEWABLE source of income
• Services are FAVORED over goods, as services are infinitely renewable, products reach a sales maturity level and decline
Below are some examples of desktop businesses you can use at home to make money:
• Resume writing
• E-bay
• Internet Information Marketing
• Permanent Tourists….
There are a lot of benefits to living and working outside your daily environment. It is very difficult to increase your risk tolerance while you are “trapped” by your current lifestyle. Often businesspeople “find” themselves when laid off. You may need to step outside your life to go the next level.
Most people can’t envision themselves stepping outside their lifestyles because we are so well conditioned to go to a job. Think about it, you are trained to get up and go “somewhere” on a schedule your entire life. In kindergarten, kids are conditioned to get up and live on a schedule from that point on. True businesspeople don’t have a rigid schedule. They earn their way by balancing risk with reward, one of which is personal freedom. What is your freedom worth? Often times we ask what the successful know that we don’t. The answer is nothing. The difference between the successful businessman and us is that he will accept the risk or tough way to eke out a living and we will not. I urge you to summon your courage.
How Do You Know If Your Identity Has Been Stolen?
An identity thief is someone who obtains some piece of your sensitive information, like your Social Security number, date of birth, address, and phone number, and uses it without your knowledge to commit fraud or theft.
How Identity Thieves Get Your Information
Skilled identity thieves use a variety of methods to gain access to your personal information. For example, they may:
- get information from businesses or other institutions by:
- stealing records or information while they're on the job
- bribing an employee who has access to these records
- hacking these records
- conning information out of employees
- rummage through your trash, the trash of businesses, or public trash dumps in a practice known as "dumpster diving"
- get your credit reports by abusing their employer's authorized access to them, or by posing as a landlord, employer, or someone else who may have a legal right to access your report
- steal your credit or debit card numbers by capturing the information in a data storage device in a practice known as "skimming." They may swipe your card for an actual purchase, or attach the device to an ATM machine where you may enter or swipe your card.
- steal wallets and purses containing identification and credit and bank cards.
- steal mail, including bank and credit card statements, new checks, or tax information
- complete a "change of address form" to divert your mail to another location
- steal personal information from your home
- scam information from you by posing as a legitimate business person or government official
How Identity Thieves Use Your Information
Once identity thieves have your personal information, they may:
- go on spending sprees using your credit and debit card account numbers to buy "big-ticket" items like computers that they can easily sell
- open a new credit card account, using your name, date of birth, and Social Security number. When they don't pay the bills, the delinquent account is reported on your credit report.
- change the mailing address on your credit card account. The imposter then runs up charges on the account. Because the bills are being sent to the new address, it may take some time before you realize there's a problem.
- take out auto loans in your name
- establish phone or wireless service in your name
- counterfeit checks or debit cards, and drain your bank account
- open a bank account in your name and write bad checks on that account
- file for bankruptcy under your name to avoid paying debts they've incurred, or to avoid eviction
- give your name to the police during an arrest. If they are released and don't show up for their court date, an arrest warrant could be issued in your name.
Protecting Yourself
Managing your personal information is key to minimizing your risk of becoming a victim of identity theft.
Keep an eye on your purse or wallet, and keep them in a safe place at all times.
Don't carry your Social Security card.
Don't share your personal information with random people you don't know. Identity thieves are really good liars, and could pretend to be from banks, Internet service providers, or even government agencies to get you to reveal identifying information.
Read the statements from your bank and credit accounts and look for unusual charges or suspicious activity. Report any problems to your bank and creditors right away.
Tear up or shred your charge receipts, checks and bank statements, expired charge cards, and any other documents with personal information before you put them in the trash.
How To Tell If You're a Victim of Identity Theft
Monitor the balances of your financial accounts. Look for unexplained charges or withdrawals. Other indications of identity theft can be:
- failing to receive bills or other mail signaling an address change by the identity thief;
- receiving credit cards for which you did not apply;
- denial of credit for no apparent reason; or
- receiving calls from debt collectors or companies about merchandise or services you didn't buy.
Pay attention to your credit report and don’t be a victim of Identity Theft.
How Identity Thieves Get Your Information
Skilled identity thieves use a variety of methods to gain access to your personal information. For example, they may:
- get information from businesses or other institutions by:
- stealing records or information while they're on the job
- bribing an employee who has access to these records
- hacking these records
- conning information out of employees
- rummage through your trash, the trash of businesses, or public trash dumps in a practice known as "dumpster diving"
- get your credit reports by abusing their employer's authorized access to them, or by posing as a landlord, employer, or someone else who may have a legal right to access your report
- steal your credit or debit card numbers by capturing the information in a data storage device in a practice known as "skimming." They may swipe your card for an actual purchase, or attach the device to an ATM machine where you may enter or swipe your card.
- steal wallets and purses containing identification and credit and bank cards.
- steal mail, including bank and credit card statements, new checks, or tax information
- complete a "change of address form" to divert your mail to another location
- steal personal information from your home
- scam information from you by posing as a legitimate business person or government official
How Identity Thieves Use Your Information
Once identity thieves have your personal information, they may:
- go on spending sprees using your credit and debit card account numbers to buy "big-ticket" items like computers that they can easily sell
- open a new credit card account, using your name, date of birth, and Social Security number. When they don't pay the bills, the delinquent account is reported on your credit report.
- change the mailing address on your credit card account. The imposter then runs up charges on the account. Because the bills are being sent to the new address, it may take some time before you realize there's a problem.
- take out auto loans in your name
- establish phone or wireless service in your name
- counterfeit checks or debit cards, and drain your bank account
- open a bank account in your name and write bad checks on that account
- file for bankruptcy under your name to avoid paying debts they've incurred, or to avoid eviction
- give your name to the police during an arrest. If they are released and don't show up for their court date, an arrest warrant could be issued in your name.
Protecting Yourself
Managing your personal information is key to minimizing your risk of becoming a victim of identity theft.
Keep an eye on your purse or wallet, and keep them in a safe place at all times.
Don't carry your Social Security card.
Don't share your personal information with random people you don't know. Identity thieves are really good liars, and could pretend to be from banks, Internet service providers, or even government agencies to get you to reveal identifying information.
Read the statements from your bank and credit accounts and look for unusual charges or suspicious activity. Report any problems to your bank and creditors right away.
Tear up or shred your charge receipts, checks and bank statements, expired charge cards, and any other documents with personal information before you put them in the trash.
How To Tell If You're a Victim of Identity Theft
Monitor the balances of your financial accounts. Look for unexplained charges or withdrawals. Other indications of identity theft can be:
- failing to receive bills or other mail signaling an address change by the identity thief;
- receiving credit cards for which you did not apply;
- denial of credit for no apparent reason; or
- receiving calls from debt collectors or companies about merchandise or services you didn't buy.
Pay attention to your credit report and don’t be a victim of Identity Theft.
How Do You Choose The Right Home Based Business?
Today there are more websites on the Internet then there are people on earth. Trying to figure out the right Home Based Business to choose can be a little frustrating. With so much information to choose from it is very easy to become overwhelmed. Some work at home opportunities that promise you this, and then promise you that. A perfect rule to follow is that, if it sounds too good to be true than it usually is too good to be true. Stay away from a company that promises that you will make a certain dollar amount in a certain amount of time. (Join this Program and you can make a MILLION dollars a week.)
First of all no one but yourself knows your work habits. So no one else can make you a promise of how much money you will make, or the length of time it will take you to make it. I don't care how good the product might be. Stay clear of a company that tells you that its possible to become rich with little or no work at all. For a Home Based Business to stay on top of its game, it needs to grow with the ever changing times. So you must always work at your business, updating, changing formulas, trying new marketing strategies, sending out the old and bringing in the new.
Never let your emotions get in the way of you using your common sense. When I first started looking for a online Home Based Business. I joined one company after another. The idea of being able to work at home clouded my judgments. I would join one company work with it a couple of months, I would never making any money. So I would move on to the next golden opportunity, and I would repeat the same process over and over. This went on for quite some time. I was under the impression that I could join a company, and the big checks would just start rolling in automatically. It just didn't happen like that for me. It took me a couple of years to find out, in order to be successful with a business you need to learn the business. In order to learn the business you have to work at the business. (Today I receive those checks, but they didn't come without work).
I remember back when I first set out to have a Home Based Business. I spent a lot of money. I purchased a lot of programs, and at the time thought that I had wasted a lot of time. Today I know that it took what it took, in order for me to get where I am today. If you are thinking of starting a online business, don't be discouraged, not knowing if its the right one. Jump in with both feet, work it and make it the right program. I have been there that unsure feeling, not knowing if its going to work. This is the very reason that I am promoting my latest at home opportunity, because it is a program that dedicated to the new guy. It takes you by the hand and shows you exactly what to do, step by step. It even teaches you how to market your business. And that is the most important factor.
I think back to my earlier years, I probably had bought some pretty good products. But I didn't know what to do with them. Having the best product in the world is useless if no one knows about it. Marketing is the most important piece of the online business puzzle. When you get the time stop by my website and look it over. I'm confident you will like what you see. Today it's not about me, its about you. The hardest thing about having a Home Based Business, is taking the first step and getting started.
I like what Stone Evans, the Home-Biz Guy says, If you are not willing to invest in yourself, then you need a job. You need to work for someone else. Start the journey to Financial Freedom. Wouldn't you like to wake up in the morning, and be able to go and do anything that your heart desires? Wouldn't you like to have the time and the money to take that dream vacation that others can only wish for? Get started today. It's your responsibility, and only you can make it happen. See you at the TOP.
First of all no one but yourself knows your work habits. So no one else can make you a promise of how much money you will make, or the length of time it will take you to make it. I don't care how good the product might be. Stay clear of a company that tells you that its possible to become rich with little or no work at all. For a Home Based Business to stay on top of its game, it needs to grow with the ever changing times. So you must always work at your business, updating, changing formulas, trying new marketing strategies, sending out the old and bringing in the new.
Never let your emotions get in the way of you using your common sense. When I first started looking for a online Home Based Business. I joined one company after another. The idea of being able to work at home clouded my judgments. I would join one company work with it a couple of months, I would never making any money. So I would move on to the next golden opportunity, and I would repeat the same process over and over. This went on for quite some time. I was under the impression that I could join a company, and the big checks would just start rolling in automatically. It just didn't happen like that for me. It took me a couple of years to find out, in order to be successful with a business you need to learn the business. In order to learn the business you have to work at the business. (Today I receive those checks, but they didn't come without work).
I remember back when I first set out to have a Home Based Business. I spent a lot of money. I purchased a lot of programs, and at the time thought that I had wasted a lot of time. Today I know that it took what it took, in order for me to get where I am today. If you are thinking of starting a online business, don't be discouraged, not knowing if its the right one. Jump in with both feet, work it and make it the right program. I have been there that unsure feeling, not knowing if its going to work. This is the very reason that I am promoting my latest at home opportunity, because it is a program that dedicated to the new guy. It takes you by the hand and shows you exactly what to do, step by step. It even teaches you how to market your business. And that is the most important factor.
I think back to my earlier years, I probably had bought some pretty good products. But I didn't know what to do with them. Having the best product in the world is useless if no one knows about it. Marketing is the most important piece of the online business puzzle. When you get the time stop by my website and look it over. I'm confident you will like what you see. Today it's not about me, its about you. The hardest thing about having a Home Based Business, is taking the first step and getting started.
I like what Stone Evans, the Home-Biz Guy says, If you are not willing to invest in yourself, then you need a job. You need to work for someone else. Start the journey to Financial Freedom. Wouldn't you like to wake up in the morning, and be able to go and do anything that your heart desires? Wouldn't you like to have the time and the money to take that dream vacation that others can only wish for? Get started today. It's your responsibility, and only you can make it happen. See you at the TOP.
How Do I Start a Home Based Gift Basket Business?
If you have a flair for putting things together to make great gifts, you may be asking yourself, “How do I start a home based gift basket business?” Creating gift baskets as your home based business can be lucrative, as gift baskets are a multi-million dollar industry. There are number of things to consider when you find yourself wondering, “How do I start a home based gift basket business?”
If you have been asking yourself, “How do I start a home based gift basket business?” and have decided to move forward, be careful of getting carried away too quickly. Many people starting a gift basket business jump into buying everything they think may make a good gift basket. It is important when you move forward after wondering “How do I start a home based gift basket business?” by doing your research into competition and focus for your gift basket business. You want to create baskets that people will need.
If you want a good answer to the “How do I start a home based gift basket business?” question, it is research. See how people react to your gift baskets. Figure out what works for your target sales groups. Go from “How do I start a home based gift basket business?” to giving away some baskets as gifts or fundraising items. However, do not forget to insert a simple business card or brochure as advertising.
If you are wondering, “How do I start a home based gift basket business online?” then your options grow even wider. A good website is a way to start. You can create a number of basket and post pictures on the web, allowing people to order from your pre-made baskets. This also allows you to focus your business.
“How do I start a home based gift basket business online?” starts with a decent website, but then grows into marketing your business. You can use mailing lists and pay-per-click advertising in order to boost your online gift basket business. You should also consider partnering advertising with party and event planning companies to promote each other’s services. These inexpensive ways to draw in clientele helps you answer some of your questions regarding “How do I start a home based gift basket business?”
Supplies are a key concern when you are thinking about “How do I start a home based gift basket business?” At first it may be fine to go to your local retailers to find gift basket supplies, but as your business grows, you have the ability to purchase wholesale. Buying your supplies wholesale will decrease your expenses and increase your profits. When considering “How do I start a home based gift basket business?” you should start researching wholesale suppliers for your gift basket needs so you will be prepared when your business grows.
“How do I start a home based gift basket business?” is a great question to ask if you have an ability to put together great gift baskets and want to work from home. A home based gift basket business is an excellent example of using a fun skill to create a successful career.
If you have been asking yourself, “How do I start a home based gift basket business?” and have decided to move forward, be careful of getting carried away too quickly. Many people starting a gift basket business jump into buying everything they think may make a good gift basket. It is important when you move forward after wondering “How do I start a home based gift basket business?” by doing your research into competition and focus for your gift basket business. You want to create baskets that people will need.
If you want a good answer to the “How do I start a home based gift basket business?” question, it is research. See how people react to your gift baskets. Figure out what works for your target sales groups. Go from “How do I start a home based gift basket business?” to giving away some baskets as gifts or fundraising items. However, do not forget to insert a simple business card or brochure as advertising.
If you are wondering, “How do I start a home based gift basket business online?” then your options grow even wider. A good website is a way to start. You can create a number of basket and post pictures on the web, allowing people to order from your pre-made baskets. This also allows you to focus your business.
“How do I start a home based gift basket business online?” starts with a decent website, but then grows into marketing your business. You can use mailing lists and pay-per-click advertising in order to boost your online gift basket business. You should also consider partnering advertising with party and event planning companies to promote each other’s services. These inexpensive ways to draw in clientele helps you answer some of your questions regarding “How do I start a home based gift basket business?”
Supplies are a key concern when you are thinking about “How do I start a home based gift basket business?” At first it may be fine to go to your local retailers to find gift basket supplies, but as your business grows, you have the ability to purchase wholesale. Buying your supplies wholesale will decrease your expenses and increase your profits. When considering “How do I start a home based gift basket business?” you should start researching wholesale suppliers for your gift basket needs so you will be prepared when your business grows.
“How do I start a home based gift basket business?” is a great question to ask if you have an ability to put together great gift baskets and want to work from home. A home based gift basket business is an excellent example of using a fun skill to create a successful career.
How do I market a Resell Rights product?
Resell rights products offer you the ability to sell your own product, without actually creating one. While this gets you past one hurdle – the creation of a product – you still have another hurdle to face. How do you market a resell rights product?
The first and best option is to market the product to your mailing list. If you do not have a mailing list, build one. There are various ways to do this, but the quickest way to build a list is to offer a free product, which is advertised with pay-per-click or through other people’s lists. When the prospect arrives at the site to receive their free gift, they must fill in their name and email address, and give you permission to email them in the future.
Pay-Per-Click advertising can be used for more than list building, however. You can also use pay-per-click to market your resell rights product. Google AdWords is one of the best pay-per-click programs in existence today, but there are many other options, including Yahoo Search Marketing.
You can also purchase advertising in related newsletters, which are also called ezines. This is a very effective way to market a product, and it is a tried and true method. You can find quality newsletters by doing searches in the ezine directories online.
Article marketing is also very effective. You simply write articles that relate to your product, or have them written for you, and submit them to the various article banks, allowing others to read them and use them for content for their newsletters and websites, for free. At the bottom of your articles, add a resource box, which is essentially an ‘about the author’ paragraph, which should include a link to your sales page.
You can also joint venture with people who have large mailing lists. Just make sure that their lists are made up of people who will be interested in your product. It doesn’t make sense to market football products to a mailing list that is mostly made up of women who are interested in recipes.
The first and best option is to market the product to your mailing list. If you do not have a mailing list, build one. There are various ways to do this, but the quickest way to build a list is to offer a free product, which is advertised with pay-per-click or through other people’s lists. When the prospect arrives at the site to receive their free gift, they must fill in their name and email address, and give you permission to email them in the future.
Pay-Per-Click advertising can be used for more than list building, however. You can also use pay-per-click to market your resell rights product. Google AdWords is one of the best pay-per-click programs in existence today, but there are many other options, including Yahoo Search Marketing.
You can also purchase advertising in related newsletters, which are also called ezines. This is a very effective way to market a product, and it is a tried and true method. You can find quality newsletters by doing searches in the ezine directories online.
Article marketing is also very effective. You simply write articles that relate to your product, or have them written for you, and submit them to the various article banks, allowing others to read them and use them for content for their newsletters and websites, for free. At the bottom of your articles, add a resource box, which is essentially an ‘about the author’ paragraph, which should include a link to your sales page.
You can also joint venture with people who have large mailing lists. Just make sure that their lists are made up of people who will be interested in your product. It doesn’t make sense to market football products to a mailing list that is mostly made up of women who are interested in recipes.
How Do I Choose A Home Based Business?
Did you know that "home based business" and "work from home" are among the most frequently requested phrases on the search engines? I just entered the term "work from home" at Google, and I got back 4,730,000,000 results. What does that tell you? It tells you that there are plenty of websites around trying to keep up with the demand for information related to working from home. It also tells you that there are plenty of people promoting business opportunities. Network marketing, multi level marketing (MLM), and direct sales organizations and their representatives are trying to get your attention.
OK. So you have this plethora of information, you narrow it down to a few choices by sending emails or making a few phone calls, and you decide to join Company A. But wait! Wasn't this company on TV recently for being involved in some type of fraud? So you do a little more online research, and find out that yes, your business opportunity is on the verge of a meltdown, and you breathe a sigh of relief for not being drawn in before its demise.
That's just the best case scenario. The fact is that a large number of opportunities for the home based entrepreneur will fail, and drag down a number of poor innocents with it. Case in point: If you go to this website, what will you see? Nothing! This company was served a Cease and Desist order from the State of NY order last year, and closed up shop immediately, and the income stream that the distributors were enjoying stopped immediately. And there are many, many other stories like this.
You may know a number of people that are very successful home based entrepreneurs, so you know that working from home is possible. Now we need to narrow it down to a business that fits your personality. So what should you look for first when evaluating a network marketing or direct sales organization? Very simply, longevity. Yes, I know there are so many more variables to consider, but longevity is a big one. And you know why? Well, if a company has been in business for over 1 year, then you know they've overcome a number of hurdles. If you talk to individual distributors and see that they are actually getting commissions on time and that support is very responsive, then you know you have a seasoned opportunity. We know that the first year in any long term endeavor is often turbulent, but getting through that first year means something good may come the next year.
Now if you are a belt and suspenders type of person (like me), one that puts in a little more effort to make sure everything stays in place, you would naturally want to take this reasoning a step further and reason, 'Well... if a one year old company is good, then a three or five year old company would be even better.' That is absolutely true.
The more time a company has to deliver products, respond to feedback, and upgrade services, the better they get at it. Take your average fast food franchise for example. How often do they upgrade their dining area? How often do they change the menu? Progressive organizations know that keeping in tune to customer satisfaction is the key to their success. Any business opportunity that you consider as a potential money maker for you should follow the exact same pattern.
There are so many variables to look at when you're considering a home based business. Evaluating the longevity of a company first will eliminate a substantial amount of research on your part.
OK. So you have this plethora of information, you narrow it down to a few choices by sending emails or making a few phone calls, and you decide to join Company A. But wait! Wasn't this company on TV recently for being involved in some type of fraud? So you do a little more online research, and find out that yes, your business opportunity is on the verge of a meltdown, and you breathe a sigh of relief for not being drawn in before its demise.
That's just the best case scenario. The fact is that a large number of opportunities for the home based entrepreneur will fail, and drag down a number of poor innocents with it. Case in point: If you go to this website, what will you see? Nothing! This company was served a Cease and Desist order from the State of NY order last year, and closed up shop immediately, and the income stream that the distributors were enjoying stopped immediately. And there are many, many other stories like this.
You may know a number of people that are very successful home based entrepreneurs, so you know that working from home is possible. Now we need to narrow it down to a business that fits your personality. So what should you look for first when evaluating a network marketing or direct sales organization? Very simply, longevity. Yes, I know there are so many more variables to consider, but longevity is a big one. And you know why? Well, if a company has been in business for over 1 year, then you know they've overcome a number of hurdles. If you talk to individual distributors and see that they are actually getting commissions on time and that support is very responsive, then you know you have a seasoned opportunity. We know that the first year in any long term endeavor is often turbulent, but getting through that first year means something good may come the next year.
Now if you are a belt and suspenders type of person (like me), one that puts in a little more effort to make sure everything stays in place, you would naturally want to take this reasoning a step further and reason, 'Well... if a one year old company is good, then a three or five year old company would be even better.' That is absolutely true.
The more time a company has to deliver products, respond to feedback, and upgrade services, the better they get at it. Take your average fast food franchise for example. How often do they upgrade their dining area? How often do they change the menu? Progressive organizations know that keeping in tune to customer satisfaction is the key to their success. Any business opportunity that you consider as a potential money maker for you should follow the exact same pattern.
There are so many variables to look at when you're considering a home based business. Evaluating the longevity of a company first will eliminate a substantial amount of research on your part.
How Can Your Online Business Succeed If You Don't Invest?
I hear it all the time, “How can I start an online business with no money?” People everywhere are looking to start an online or home based business yet they want to do it without spending a cent. So, I ask them, “How can a farmer expect to harvest a crop if he doesn’t buy the seed?”
You can talk about starting a business and making all kinds of money all you want, but until you realize that you have to invest in your business, it’s not a business, it’s just a hobby. That does not necessarily mean you have to take out a second loan on your home, but you do have to invest.
Put yourself in the farmer’s boots for a moment. You want to plant a cash crop and you know you can, so how do you go about getting started? First, you decide what crop you will plant. You do your homework to determine which crop will produce you the most return based on all the conditions. Once you make this decision, you have to take the next step. You have to take action.
Before you get the seed, you must till the ground and prepare it for planting. This preparation is critical if you want a successful crop. Once the ground is ready to accept the seed, you go the seed store and “buy” your seed. This is your investment.
So can you just throw the seed on the ground and expect great results? No. You must then cultivate it in order to get the results you expect. You work the soil to keep it loose, you water and fertilize. Then and only then will the seed start growing, until it produces the crop you dreamed it would.
Once your crop matures, you then can harvest its many fruits. You can see the results of your labor and your investment pays off.
Your business, whether online or offline, is much like planting a crop. You decide which business is best for you by reading and studying everything you can on the subject. Once you make that decision, you have to prepare. Get your website ready, everything must be in place. Then you plant or go live with your site. You have to promote and invest your time and money into the business. You keep at it, learning more as you go and one day you walk out to see your crop, and it is time to harvest.
You can talk about starting a business and making all kinds of money all you want, but until you realize that you have to invest in your business, it’s not a business, it’s just a hobby. That does not necessarily mean you have to take out a second loan on your home, but you do have to invest.
Put yourself in the farmer’s boots for a moment. You want to plant a cash crop and you know you can, so how do you go about getting started? First, you decide what crop you will plant. You do your homework to determine which crop will produce you the most return based on all the conditions. Once you make this decision, you have to take the next step. You have to take action.
Before you get the seed, you must till the ground and prepare it for planting. This preparation is critical if you want a successful crop. Once the ground is ready to accept the seed, you go the seed store and “buy” your seed. This is your investment.
So can you just throw the seed on the ground and expect great results? No. You must then cultivate it in order to get the results you expect. You work the soil to keep it loose, you water and fertilize. Then and only then will the seed start growing, until it produces the crop you dreamed it would.
Once your crop matures, you then can harvest its many fruits. You can see the results of your labor and your investment pays off.
Your business, whether online or offline, is much like planting a crop. You decide which business is best for you by reading and studying everything you can on the subject. Once you make that decision, you have to prepare. Get your website ready, everything must be in place. Then you plant or go live with your site. You have to promote and invest your time and money into the business. You keep at it, learning more as you go and one day you walk out to see your crop, and it is time to harvest.
How Can You Earn Money From Home?
Millions of people are asking the same question. I remember I asked the same question myself a few years back. We all hear about the money being made utilizing the Internet. I must admit when you hear the stories of people, making money while sitting at home or people retiring early, you wonder if it's just a pipe dream. Well I'm happy to say it can happen and I can tell you from personal experience that I am sitting in the comfort of my home writing this article. It's unbelievable. I'm actually sitting in my bus on the Gulf of Mexico enjoying the water. My wife and I travel around enjoying this beautiful country we live in. It's just so cool to be able to do what I want when I want to do it. This is how I live now. I spend a few hours a week with my online business and am extremely happy with how my online journey has gone.
Well enough about me. I'm sure you are wondering if it can happen for you. I believe it can. The Internet allows everyone access to millions of people daily. You may choose to have an online business like I have or you may want to create one of the many other types of online businesses. Here are just a few of the opportunities available to you either as an Online Business owner or simply working from home to create additional income. Here are a few examples:
* Online Web Business
* Online Jewelry Store
* Online Dollar Store
* Google Business
* Ebay Business
* Data Entry
* Type At Home
* Process Rebates From Home
* Online Paid Surveys
These are just a few of the many types of work at home programs and home based business programs. Some of you may not want to own and online business. You may simply want to create some extra income or you may want to work at home, replacing your current income, without owning any type of business. The Internet allows you to take whichever route you choose. You are the boss! It doesn't get much better than that.
How do you go about choosing a program for you? Well it seems difficult, but with some of the simple suggestions I'm going to give you it can be done quite easily. Do not simply join the first program you see. There are many programs that will simply take your money leaving you with nothing but despair in the end. Take your time when asking the following questions of yourself:
* What are you income expectations?
* Do you want an online business or simply to earn some extra cash?
* What are your skill sets?
* What do you feel comfortable doing?
* How much time do you have on a weekly basis?
* Do you have a computer, access to the Internet and a printer?
* Are you willing to invest about the cost of a night out in yourself?
* Will you be willing to exercise some patience?
* Will you take the time to put forth the effort required?
Once you have the answers to the above questions then you are ready to begin researching for the right program for you? Many people do not match up the above items with the program they are choosing and end up in failure. This can give you your life back. Surely it's worth the time to give you the best chance for success. You can do it, just make sure it's done the right way.
I recommend using a website like mine, but not necessarily mine, that has done some research for you or be prepared to spend the hours separating the good programs from the scam artists. Answering the above questions is a must but just the beginning. Your goal should be to find 2-3 programs, in the end, that meet your profile.
After you have found the programs of your choice, join the 2-3 programs of your choosing, read the step-by-step guidance provided and start earning money.
You have to take the steps necessary to fulfill your dreams. The cost to give yourself a chance is minimal. You can spend less than going out to dinner and a move one night with your family. Surely you can spend that much on yourself. Please feel free to read both this article or one of my many others by visiting my link in the resource box below. I always enjoy getting emails pertaining to my articles or my site. Your feedback is important to me.
I hope you have great success and are able to enjoy the things in life that are important to you.
Well enough about me. I'm sure you are wondering if it can happen for you. I believe it can. The Internet allows everyone access to millions of people daily. You may choose to have an online business like I have or you may want to create one of the many other types of online businesses. Here are just a few of the opportunities available to you either as an Online Business owner or simply working from home to create additional income. Here are a few examples:
* Online Web Business
* Online Jewelry Store
* Online Dollar Store
* Google Business
* Ebay Business
* Data Entry
* Type At Home
* Process Rebates From Home
* Online Paid Surveys
These are just a few of the many types of work at home programs and home based business programs. Some of you may not want to own and online business. You may simply want to create some extra income or you may want to work at home, replacing your current income, without owning any type of business. The Internet allows you to take whichever route you choose. You are the boss! It doesn't get much better than that.
How do you go about choosing a program for you? Well it seems difficult, but with some of the simple suggestions I'm going to give you it can be done quite easily. Do not simply join the first program you see. There are many programs that will simply take your money leaving you with nothing but despair in the end. Take your time when asking the following questions of yourself:
* What are you income expectations?
* Do you want an online business or simply to earn some extra cash?
* What are your skill sets?
* What do you feel comfortable doing?
* How much time do you have on a weekly basis?
* Do you have a computer, access to the Internet and a printer?
* Are you willing to invest about the cost of a night out in yourself?
* Will you be willing to exercise some patience?
* Will you take the time to put forth the effort required?
Once you have the answers to the above questions then you are ready to begin researching for the right program for you? Many people do not match up the above items with the program they are choosing and end up in failure. This can give you your life back. Surely it's worth the time to give you the best chance for success. You can do it, just make sure it's done the right way.
I recommend using a website like mine, but not necessarily mine, that has done some research for you or be prepared to spend the hours separating the good programs from the scam artists. Answering the above questions is a must but just the beginning. Your goal should be to find 2-3 programs, in the end, that meet your profile.
After you have found the programs of your choice, join the 2-3 programs of your choosing, read the step-by-step guidance provided and start earning money.
You have to take the steps necessary to fulfill your dreams. The cost to give yourself a chance is minimal. You can spend less than going out to dinner and a move one night with your family. Surely you can spend that much on yourself. Please feel free to read both this article or one of my many others by visiting my link in the resource box below. I always enjoy getting emails pertaining to my articles or my site. Your feedback is important to me.
I hope you have great success and are able to enjoy the things in life that are important to you.
How Can A Virtual Office Help My Home-Based Business?
This is for those that want to operate out of their own home. The convenience and economy of working from home is nice, however, as the business grows the need for an office located in a “business location” will increase. However, you currently cannot afford nor need all the services of an executive suite or serviced office. A virtual office is an excellent alternative which can save up to 78% of the cost of traditional office services.
Perhaps you’ve experienced the following scenarios:
“Where is your office?”
During your initial sales meeting, you’ve convinced your prospect that you understand their needs and you look forward to providing a solid proposal of your solution to their problem. They like your personal professionalism and your team appears as competent as the competition. Then they look down at your business card and ask “where is your office”? Suddenly you are on the defensive, only as big as your 8’ X 10’ home office. You can’t afford nor need to invest in office space, but what can you do? A virtual office is an excellent way to present a bigger company presence. Suddenly you are as large as a multi-story office building located in the prestige business districts of your city.
“We don’t do business with home-based companies.”
You are able to deliver the goods or services the large Fortune 100 company needs but they don’t do business with a “home-based” company. How can you arrange for your phone and mail to be serviced with an address within the “business district”? A virtual office is an excellent way to present a prestige address for your home-based business.
“Let’s hold the meeting at your office!”
You must host a team collaboration or presentation meeting. Any gathering with more than 3 or 4 people in attendance typically requires the meeting to be moved out of the “office room” and into the kitchen or living room. Such a casual environment takes away from the professionalism of the message you are delivering. A virtual office facility will provide quality meeting room facilities at an economical fee when compared to hotel conference room rates.
The availability and use of white boards or audio-visual equipment to support the meeting activity might be limiting at your home office. Parking might be difficult to accommodate. You will need to provide restroom and possibly beverage or food service which means time and effort to prepare. Wouldn’t want your boss or prospect to see the “dirty laundry”! A quality virtual office facility can provide the equipment and facilities needed for most any meeting or presentation, often these are provided at no additional cost with the meeting room fee.
What is a Virtual office?
A Virtual office is a service provided by many full serviced or executive suite providers. Typically, they will offer Virtual office services with options so that you purchase just the services you need to enhance your business. Examples of these packages are:
1. Virtual Office Address Only - Includes the use of a prestigious business address, receiving mail, handling and receiving shipments, signing for mail when authorized.
2. Full Virtual Office with Live Answering - Includes all features of the package above plus live personalized telephone answering, including voicemail box with remote access.
3. Full Virtual Office with Live Answering and Conference Room Time - Includes all features of the package above plus conference room time.
Additional services should include mail forwarding to an outside address or call forwarding to an outside line (home office or mobile phone).
A quick checklist of the features/benefits you should expect to find with a quality Virtual office provider would include:
- A prestigious address
- Upscale contemporary reception area
- Fully-equipped conference rooms and common areas
- Access to an association network to support your out of town activities
- Professional receptionist to greet clients
- Full administrative and secretarial support services
- Kitchens with complimentary beverage service and vending machines.
If you like the economy and convenience of working out of your home but have encountered the need to present a professional, business “storefront” you now know there is an alternative to the traditional business office or executive suite lease options. The Virtual office from an Executive Suite provider is that alternative.
Additionally, if you find an increasing need to host meeting or presentations and want to provide a more professional option outside your home or the neighborhood Starbucks and a more personal option than a hotel, you now know there is a solution. The Virtual office from an Executive Suite provider is that solution.
Perhaps you’ve experienced the following scenarios:
“Where is your office?”
During your initial sales meeting, you’ve convinced your prospect that you understand their needs and you look forward to providing a solid proposal of your solution to their problem. They like your personal professionalism and your team appears as competent as the competition. Then they look down at your business card and ask “where is your office”? Suddenly you are on the defensive, only as big as your 8’ X 10’ home office. You can’t afford nor need to invest in office space, but what can you do? A virtual office is an excellent way to present a bigger company presence. Suddenly you are as large as a multi-story office building located in the prestige business districts of your city.
“We don’t do business with home-based companies.”
You are able to deliver the goods or services the large Fortune 100 company needs but they don’t do business with a “home-based” company. How can you arrange for your phone and mail to be serviced with an address within the “business district”? A virtual office is an excellent way to present a prestige address for your home-based business.
“Let’s hold the meeting at your office!”
You must host a team collaboration or presentation meeting. Any gathering with more than 3 or 4 people in attendance typically requires the meeting to be moved out of the “office room” and into the kitchen or living room. Such a casual environment takes away from the professionalism of the message you are delivering. A virtual office facility will provide quality meeting room facilities at an economical fee when compared to hotel conference room rates.
The availability and use of white boards or audio-visual equipment to support the meeting activity might be limiting at your home office. Parking might be difficult to accommodate. You will need to provide restroom and possibly beverage or food service which means time and effort to prepare. Wouldn’t want your boss or prospect to see the “dirty laundry”! A quality virtual office facility can provide the equipment and facilities needed for most any meeting or presentation, often these are provided at no additional cost with the meeting room fee.
What is a Virtual office?
A Virtual office is a service provided by many full serviced or executive suite providers. Typically, they will offer Virtual office services with options so that you purchase just the services you need to enhance your business. Examples of these packages are:
1. Virtual Office Address Only - Includes the use of a prestigious business address, receiving mail, handling and receiving shipments, signing for mail when authorized.
2. Full Virtual Office with Live Answering - Includes all features of the package above plus live personalized telephone answering, including voicemail box with remote access.
3. Full Virtual Office with Live Answering and Conference Room Time - Includes all features of the package above plus conference room time.
Additional services should include mail forwarding to an outside address or call forwarding to an outside line (home office or mobile phone).
A quick checklist of the features/benefits you should expect to find with a quality Virtual office provider would include:
- A prestigious address
- Upscale contemporary reception area
- Fully-equipped conference rooms and common areas
- Access to an association network to support your out of town activities
- Professional receptionist to greet clients
- Full administrative and secretarial support services
- Kitchens with complimentary beverage service and vending machines.
If you like the economy and convenience of working out of your home but have encountered the need to present a professional, business “storefront” you now know there is an alternative to the traditional business office or executive suite lease options. The Virtual office from an Executive Suite provider is that alternative.
Additionally, if you find an increasing need to host meeting or presentations and want to provide a more professional option outside your home or the neighborhood Starbucks and a more personal option than a hotel, you now know there is a solution. The Virtual office from an Executive Suite provider is that solution.
Monday, December 12, 2011
When is the right time to start a home based business?
Starting a home based business is like any kind of business. You'll need to know intelligence, courage, market research, product development, marketing, advertising, sales, planning, time, energy, commitment, perseverance, and lots of patience. You are not going to get rich overnight regardless of what you hear or read. The opportunities are there but so is the competition. You will need to work full time at developing and implementing the strategies necessary for success.
Before you begin you should have a goal in mind. Why are you starting this business? What is your goal, and how are you going to accomplish it? Who is going to manage the business? How much time and money are you going to devote to the business? Where in your home are you going to set up your business? When is the best time for you to conduct your business in your home? Most people dislike having to get up in the morning at set times to go to work. Well, having a home base business may give you some flexibility as to a starting time for work, and eliminate the commute, but you are still going to work some long hours initially to get your business up and going. Of course, you will not have a boss to supervise your work and hold you accountable. So you are going to have to practice some self control and avoid all of the distractions that take you away from your business. A home based business is still a business, and it will call for self discipline, perseverance, patience, and commitment on your part to make it work. It's a lot more work on YOUR part to get it together!
You have several approaches that you can take to make money in your home based business. You can choose to create your own affiliate program or join several established affiliate programs. The difference being that you will be marketing your own products and services versus helping someone else sell theirs. The time, money, and possibly labor involved in developing your own product is going to weigh heavy in which way you go in setting up your home based business. Also keep in mind the competition that exists worldwide.
Affiliate programs are not the only way to make money in a home based business. You can use your professional skills and work as an independent contractor and do freelance work. The internet also hosts a very active labor market, so if you are a specialist in some field, you probably won't find it too difficult to find a job. Full time positions over the internet are rare. Many sites act as middlemen for getting contractors and freelance service providers together and very few charge a fee. If you feel out of depth in starting your own business, using your professional skills might be a better option for you.
Creating a successful home based business will require intelligence, resourcefulness, and hard work. If you are the type of person who gives up easily, you should not bother; you will be wasting your time. But if you have entrepreneurial instincts and are an individual who likes to rise up to the challenge, someone courageous enough to take charge of your own life, then by all means, give it a shot! You never know what you can do unless you try. There are myriads of way to get into home based businesses; find the right niche for you!
Before you begin you should have a goal in mind. Why are you starting this business? What is your goal, and how are you going to accomplish it? Who is going to manage the business? How much time and money are you going to devote to the business? Where in your home are you going to set up your business? When is the best time for you to conduct your business in your home? Most people dislike having to get up in the morning at set times to go to work. Well, having a home base business may give you some flexibility as to a starting time for work, and eliminate the commute, but you are still going to work some long hours initially to get your business up and going. Of course, you will not have a boss to supervise your work and hold you accountable. So you are going to have to practice some self control and avoid all of the distractions that take you away from your business. A home based business is still a business, and it will call for self discipline, perseverance, patience, and commitment on your part to make it work. It's a lot more work on YOUR part to get it together!
You have several approaches that you can take to make money in your home based business. You can choose to create your own affiliate program or join several established affiliate programs. The difference being that you will be marketing your own products and services versus helping someone else sell theirs. The time, money, and possibly labor involved in developing your own product is going to weigh heavy in which way you go in setting up your home based business. Also keep in mind the competition that exists worldwide.
Affiliate programs are not the only way to make money in a home based business. You can use your professional skills and work as an independent contractor and do freelance work. The internet also hosts a very active labor market, so if you are a specialist in some field, you probably won't find it too difficult to find a job. Full time positions over the internet are rare. Many sites act as middlemen for getting contractors and freelance service providers together and very few charge a fee. If you feel out of depth in starting your own business, using your professional skills might be a better option for you.
Creating a successful home based business will require intelligence, resourcefulness, and hard work. If you are the type of person who gives up easily, you should not bother; you will be wasting your time. But if you have entrepreneurial instincts and are an individual who likes to rise up to the challenge, someone courageous enough to take charge of your own life, then by all means, give it a shot! You never know what you can do unless you try. There are myriads of way to get into home based businesses; find the right niche for you!
How A Home Business May Protect You From The Housing Bubble
Not everyone agrees there is a housing bubble which will have an impact on the entire economy, but how about one that has an impact on you? For example, if your home devalued, even temporarily, do you have the cash flow to sustain your credit or allow you to sell your home without getting into debt? Even in 2011, many people in the United States live in homes which have positioned them in a loosing financial situation. How can a home business improve your financial position and protect you from the potential effects of a housing bubble?
First, many people have W-2 income as their only source of income. While a job is certainly a great way to trade your time for a consistent flow of money, it also provides you with the fewest tax advantages which means you end up paying more to Uncle Sam than those who also run a home business on the side.This will save you and make you money in the long term. For example, many CPAs and tax planning specialists can show you how to deduct part of your home expenses, your cell phone bill and even costs to maintain and operate your vehicle, legally, if you are able to document that you actively work on your home business each day. This can turn expenses you are already paying for, into tax deductions. That’s money in your pocket! Money saved can be reinvested into growing your business or applied to paying off your mortgage more quickly.
Protect yourself and protect your hard earned home equity by improving your cash flow and avoid running close to the edge of the value of your home compared to the debt owed in your mortgage and any home equity loans. Be sure you consult with a tax professional and a CPA to properly plan the tax benefits you can receive from having a home business. Apply those savings to building your savings and also to paying down your mortgage as quickly as possible. The more equity to have in your home, the more insulated you are from possible effects of the housing bubble and also from the effects of personal and professional emergencies.
First, many people have W-2 income as their only source of income. While a job is certainly a great way to trade your time for a consistent flow of money, it also provides you with the fewest tax advantages which means you end up paying more to Uncle Sam than those who also run a home business on the side.This will save you and make you money in the long term. For example, many CPAs and tax planning specialists can show you how to deduct part of your home expenses, your cell phone bill and even costs to maintain and operate your vehicle, legally, if you are able to document that you actively work on your home business each day. This can turn expenses you are already paying for, into tax deductions. That’s money in your pocket! Money saved can be reinvested into growing your business or applied to paying off your mortgage more quickly.
Protect yourself and protect your hard earned home equity by improving your cash flow and avoid running close to the edge of the value of your home compared to the debt owed in your mortgage and any home equity loans. Be sure you consult with a tax professional and a CPA to properly plan the tax benefits you can receive from having a home business. Apply those savings to building your savings and also to paying down your mortgage as quickly as possible. The more equity to have in your home, the more insulated you are from possible effects of the housing bubble and also from the effects of personal and professional emergencies.
How do I profit from reselling rights?
There are a number of ways to profit from resell rights products. Obviously, the first way is to just resell the product. However, being a bit more creative will garner better results when trying to get more sales.
1.) When you sell the product, have an additional product or products to sell as an upsell or backend product.
You can the resell product at a figure of 29.95 or 39.95, then have an upsell, or a related product, that you offer either on your order page for an increased price, such as 49.95 or 59.95. Don't limit yourself because you could have a membership also that you can do for a monthly fee to add more bite to the bark.
2.) You can also advertise a backend product on the thank you page.
This is a product that is offered after the purchase of the original product is made, for a different price. Backend products can cost more than the original product, the same, or even less.
3.) You can also profit more from your resell rights products by repackaging it.
Think of things such as including more products, and raising the value of the package – so you can raise the price. If you have master resell rights of the product, which allows you to sell the resell rights as well, you can create a nice package of various related products and sell resell rights to that package as well.
4.) You could even simply sell the product, or give it away if you are allowed to do so, in order to use a squeeze page to collect quality leads.
A large list of quality leads opens many profitable doors. For instance, you could enter into joint venture deals to sell high ticket products to your list, or rent your list out to other companies for a fee.
However, before you start using various methods for increasing your profits with resell rights products, it is very important that you read your license agreement to be certain that you are not in violation of any of the terms.
The worst thing to do is to sell something that you have no permission selling in the first place!
1.) When you sell the product, have an additional product or products to sell as an upsell or backend product.
You can the resell product at a figure of 29.95 or 39.95, then have an upsell, or a related product, that you offer either on your order page for an increased price, such as 49.95 or 59.95. Don't limit yourself because you could have a membership also that you can do for a monthly fee to add more bite to the bark.
2.) You can also advertise a backend product on the thank you page.
This is a product that is offered after the purchase of the original product is made, for a different price. Backend products can cost more than the original product, the same, or even less.
3.) You can also profit more from your resell rights products by repackaging it.
Think of things such as including more products, and raising the value of the package – so you can raise the price. If you have master resell rights of the product, which allows you to sell the resell rights as well, you can create a nice package of various related products and sell resell rights to that package as well.
4.) You could even simply sell the product, or give it away if you are allowed to do so, in order to use a squeeze page to collect quality leads.
A large list of quality leads opens many profitable doors. For instance, you could enter into joint venture deals to sell high ticket products to your list, or rent your list out to other companies for a fee.
However, before you start using various methods for increasing your profits with resell rights products, it is very important that you read your license agreement to be certain that you are not in violation of any of the terms.
The worst thing to do is to sell something that you have no permission selling in the first place!
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